°Getting comfortable°

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-karl's Pov-

"Are you ok?!-"
"I'm fine, I just need to take out my wings" He tells me
He spread out his wing and stretched them out. (Alex: He's a hybrid duck. He can fly, Breath under water, and has the most luck,He is a very fast swimmer. He's timid and mostly social. He need his alone time to stay calm or sane.) They were golden and the looked beautiful
"They're so beautiful!"
"Thanks, they usually hurt if I don't take them out"
Wait, where is he gonna sleep
"Where do you sleep?" I asked
"Oh, uh- . . . No where"

" . . . You could sleep at my place if you want-"
"Really?!" He asked me in shock
"Yea, you can" I nervously chuckled he slide off the bar table and smiled at me
He has a cute and warm smile, his gold eye complemented his face. His scar was deep but it made him look tough.

I lead him to my house, we were mostly silent. The silence was comfortable but still a bit awkward. We arrived at my house, I unlocked the door to be welcomed by nugget my cat. "Hi, my baby" I knelt down to pick him up. "Oh yeah, I never asked your name"
"Oh- my name is . . . Q- Quackity . . . Nevadas, yea that's my name"
"It's a unique name" I smiled
"Thank you" he smiled back "what's yours?"
"It's Karl Jacobs, pretty plain" I sighed
"No, it not plain?! It's cool that you have an 's' at the end of Jacobs, like there's more of you"
He tried to comfort me, I thought it was cute.
"I'll get you some clothes for you to shower" I walk off
Nugget jumps from my hand and walks to Quackity, he starts to rub his body on him purring. Seems like he likes him to I smiled at the thought of nugget liking Quackity. It's like he was meant to be here.

I walk to my room and pick out some clothes, A white short sleeves shirt, And sport shorts. I walk out the room to hear water splashing. I take a deep breath and knock on the door "Hey Q, it's me Karl . . . Can I come in?"
"Oh, um- . . . Yea" he says awkwardly
I walk inside the bathroom looking at the ground. As I put the clothes down He splashes water me and laughs. "Wth Quackity!" I say while looking up.
The bottom half of his body is in the water but his chest is fully wet and clear. His scars were more clear than before, and his wings were out and wet. He was laughing softly.
My face turned red, and hot. I rushed out the bathroom almost panting. Fuck! I ran to my room trying to calm down. Maybe a shower would calm me down.

*After showering* (starting to get lazy)

I walk out the bathroom feeling refreshed. I had on a purple pair of shorts, and a black short sleeve shirt, with white socks. I knew Q was out because it's been 30 minutes. I walked over to the bed and flopped down on it tired. I started to drift to sleep until I heard the door creak open. I thought it was nugget but I heard footsteps "hey Karl, could I sleep with you?" He asked me
"Sure" I tiredly smile
"Thank you" he slips on the bed next to me facing the opposite way. I wanted to pull him close to me but i just laid silently. He turned around, his face, facing me. I smiled at him face. He had hair covering his eyes, so I used my finger to tuck it behind his ear. He was already fast asleep. He had a rough day, it tiring almost dying. I grab his waist and pull him closer to me. He smiled in his sleep and pushed his face in my chest.
I hear the door creak open again, and I feel two pairs of paw jump on the bed
Nugget had slipped in-between the space between me and Quackity, snuggling his head in Quackity's neck area. I kissed both nugget and Quackity on the nose, and drifted to sleep.

As I'm sleep I see me, Quackity, and another boy around our age with us. We were all holding hands. Like we all were a couple or, in a polyamory relationship.

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now