°Bathroom Comfort°

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-Nobody's Pov-

Karl woke up next to Quackity and sapnap. He felt happy as the memories from yesterday ran through his head. He got up from the bed and went to the bathroom and took a deep breath. His face became red, but he was the most happiest boy In the world.
Karl heard a pair of foot steps in the room, guessing it was Quackity since he's always the second to wake up. The door opened and it was a half sleep Sapnap which was unexpected.
"Morning Karl"
"Morning sapnap"

Sapnap walked over to Karl and rested his chin on Karl's head.
Blushing, Karl bunny ears had formed and lowered to the sides of his head. Sapnap had woken up mostly after seeing Karl's ears, and feeling his fuzzy, cotton tail on his leg.
"Awe, that's so cute" Sapnap said touching and feeling Karl's bunny ears.
Karl's face went red "Sapnap are all of us in a . . . Relationship?"
Sapnap stopped touching Karl's ears "Only if we're all ok with it"
Karl took deep breath "I want to be with you two, and I don't wanna imagine a world without you two in it!"
Sapnap cringed at Karl then smiled. Looking through the doorway and seeing Quackity sleep on his side covering up in his wings, Asleep peacefully. And wrapping his arms around a pillow. "Me neither"
Karl smiled turning around facing sapnap "Can I . . . Kiss you?" Sapnap was shock at the request but nodded.
Karl moved his face towards sapnap until there lips met. Karl wrapped his arms around Sapnap's neck.
Giving into the kiss sapnap placed his hands on the back of Karl head. There chest pressed against each other. They pull away from the kiss. Karl wad embarrassed but happy. Sapnap smiled calmly but his heart was racing. "I love you so much"
"Me too" Karl smiled cupping Sapnap's face.
They looked inside the room because they heard a groan. They guess that Quackity was up.
Looking over, Quackity's tossed his legs off the bed yawning. He looked up at Karl and Nick in the bathroom looking back at him. They open one of there arms and motioned for Quackity to join them. He lifted himself from the bed and walked to the taller males. They wrapped there arms around one another.
Karl and Sapnap looked at each other then looked at Q. "Can we . . . Kiss you Quackity"
Q looked up at them, smiling then nodding.
Karl kissed Quackity's soft but Smooth lips cupping his face with one hand. Sapnap kissed Q's neck, not kissing his neck to hard to give nim bruises.
Quackity giggled "I love you guys so much."
"We love you to" They tell him back

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now