°Falling in Love?°

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-Nobody's Pov-

Nugget hops on Karl's lap, licking his face. He woke up smiling and giggling. "Your lucky you cute"
Karl lifted himself off sapnap. Looking at the two boys. He seen Quackity was covering his scar with his hair. Karl lifted his hand up to Q's face and softly moved Q's hair behind his ear. He looked at Quackity's scar, his heart almost sank. Quackity still looked hot to Karl, but the scar almost made him blind. If Karl didn't heal Q, he would've died.
He looked over at sapnap, he had a long scar, from his shoulder down to his forearm. He had a few cuts along his face.
Karl wished he could heal the marks, but he could only heal pain, or lost of blood and etc.
He took a minute to look at there face. They looked calm, loving and soft even though they have scars on them. Karl face had gotten red so he got up from the sofa and went to the bathroom.

Quackity had woken up and realized his eye with the scar wasn't covered by his hair. He untucked his hair from his ear and covered his eye. He looked to his side and seen sapnap's head on his shoulder. He smiled and raised his body off the sofa
"Karl?" Q had called out
"I'm in the bathroom"
Quackity heard Karl's voice and knew he was ok, and still here. Walking to the kitchen Quackity decided to cook breakfast. He unfolded his wings and stretched them out. He walked to the kitchen and turned the stove on.

Sapnap woke up, not feel the warmth of Karl and Quackity. He jolted up and looked around and seen Quackity in the kitchen cooking, and Karl walking out the bathroom. He sighed in relief. "Whatchu cook'n Q?"
"Just waffles and bacon"He smiled at sapnap. Sapnap felt his heart get warm. He saw Quackity's wings, they were golden. "I didn't didn't know you had wings Quackity".
Karl walked over to Quackity and started to touch Q's wings but Quackity flinched and Karl removed his hands feeling guilty.
"Karl, you can't touch like that. Golden wings are more sensitive than most wings. Touching his wings in a certain way can/could change his mood" sapnap said while getting off the sofa and toward the two boys.
Sapnap slowly moved his hand towards Q's wings. Place one finger at a time on them. He gentle rubbed the wings. Karl followed sapnap's lead, slowly placing one finger at a time.
Quackity took a deep breath and relaxed his wings.
"His wing tense up if you touch them to quick, they think there in danger" Sapnap focused on Quackity's wings. Karl smiled to Sapnap sending butterflies in his stomach. The text from last night pop in sapnap's head
Are you perhaps . . . Falling In love?
Sapnap clenched his hands by accident, Causing Quacking to tense up and fold his wing back.
Sapnap realized what he did. "I'm so sorry Q" sapnap said in a bit of a guilty tone.
Quackity slowly let's his wings back out, keeping them tense.
Sapnap breath, and places on finger at a time to soothe Q.
"Breakfast is ready"
Karl goes and grabs plates, giving them to Quackity.
Quackity places the food on the plates and walks over to the table were sapnap and Karl is. Placing there food in front of them and sitting down eating his food.
"I'm not a chef but-" Quackity was interrupted by Karl bring amazed by the food "Oh my gosh Q! This is delicious!" Karl gasped
"Yea this is good" sapnap smiled

"Well my personal trained chefs taught me" Quackity nervously chuckled. Q looked over at sapnap "do you have wings sap?"
"Huh?" Sapnap stopped eating and looked at Quackity.
"Since your a demon, don't you have wings?" Quackity Questioned, getting Karl's attention. "Uhm- yea, I do. I don't take them out often-"
"Take them out, I wanna see" Karl's face lit up.
"O-ok" Sapnap felt embarrassed. He slowly took his wings out.
Karl hopped out his seat and went over to Sapnap's wings.
He slowly placed his finger on them one at a time.
"Don't worry Karl, my wings aren't sensitive" Sapnap chuckled

Quackity folded his wings back to his back, and finish eating.
Sapnap looked over to Q and realized He had hair covering a part of his face. why does he have hair covering his eye.
"Quackity, I have a Question"
"Hm?" Q replied. "Why do you cover your eyes?"
"Oh . . . I have a scar across my face, and I don't like it" Quackity sighed. "If you don't mind could . . . I see it?" Sapnap asked
"Ok" Quackity tucked his hair behind his ear, showing his 12-15 inch scar.
Sapnap eye slightly widen, he was shocked but angry. "Who did it" He wanted to murder who ever hurt him.
"A scout in my kingdom, when i was trying to escape we got into a fight and he used a pickaxe and cut my face"Quackity place his hand on his scar.
Karl felt bad and walked over to Q and hugged Him from behind. Sapnap was even more pissed, Karl and Quackity had noticed it.
"Hey! It's ok, I'm fine now sap. Plus I have you" Quackity said trying to reassure sapnap, and it worked surprisingly
Karl, Q, and Sapnap laughed abit, but they all had the same Question in there head

Am I . . . Falling In love?

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