°Blood feathers?°

458 17 1

-Karl's Pov-

The creaking door made me awake from my bed. I looked over and didn't see my phone, the I remember it was downstairs.
I unwrapped Sapnap's arms from my waist waking him up.
"I think Quackity is back" I say in a sleepy tone.
Sapnap wakes up but he isn't in a good mood, I could see the anger in his half asleep eyes. Oh no I knew this wasn't gonna be a great morning. Sapnap raised from the bed and swung his legs off the bed walking down stairs.
I Quickly get off the bed trying to get down stairs before sapnap but I was too late.
"Where were you?" Sapnap groaned. "Wha-"
"Where were you ?" He raised his tone. "Sap, stop shouting-"
"Karl Be quiet . . . Please" He sighed at me, I did as I was told.
"Wth do you mean where was I?!" Quackity shouted. "You know damn well what I mean Alex! You was out all last night gambling and you didn't even tell us where you were!?" Sapnap yelled his horns started to set on fire.
I started to get worried he never call Q by his real name I stayed silent. "I was fucking lost all night! I called/texted you and karl last night!?" Quackity took out his wings and stretched them out. I started to see golden feathers from behind of his ear.
What are feathers doing behind his ear?

"Neither of you answered your phones and YOU HAVE THE NERVES TO QUESTION WHERE I FUCKING WAS!?" He grabs the feathers from behind his ears and Pulled them out. Blood starts falling from behind his ears.
Me and Sapnap's eyes widen, he started to lose balance and fell to his knees still holding on to the feathers. He started crying then I snapped out of my trance and rushed over and placed my hands on his ears. I looked over to sapnap, he was standing not knowing what to do. It made me frustrated "Wth are you doing just standing there?!"

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now