Jill Pole stood against a wall of a building at Experiment House as a group of children surrounded her, taunting her last name.

"All right!" Jill yelled. "So my name's Jill Pole. I thought this was supposed to be a modern school where everyone was tolerant and respectful of other people's rights. I haven't even got a right to my own name!" She ran away and the kids followed, still taunting her last name.

Jill ran through the small courtyard, paused, then ran the way she'd come. She ran down a flight of stairs and through an alley.

She ran through a larger courtyard where children were playing and managed to escape the kids chasing her.

Eustace was in the greenhouse peeking around. He touched someone's shoulder and Jill gasped.

They faced each other as she let out a breath and said, "Eustace Scrubb. That's one more thing I hate about this school. Being called by your surname."

"Pole, what's the matter?" Eustace asked as they looked at the kids running and searching for Jill. She gave him a look. "Oh. Them again."

"I wish my parents had never sent me to this place. It's horrible."

"Now look here."

"Oh go away and mind your own business! I should've known you'd be on their side."

"Is that fair? I may have been like that last year..."

"You were horrible. But yes, you have changed. Everyone's noticed it." Eustace glanced outside again. "But that lot have got you marked down as their next victim. "The school garden. We can hide better there."

Eustace took Jill's hand and the two ran from the greenhouse.

At the doorway, Eustace paused and looked around then yelled, "Now!"

Jill and Eustace ran from the greenhouse to find another place to hide.

Cara, who'd been following the commotion, caught up to them. "Hello."

Eustace glanced back at Jill. "Come on! You too, Cara!"

The three hid in a small alley between a wall and trees. They sat as they waited out the kids.

"Why are you so changed?" Jill asked. "And who is this random girl?"

"It was during the holidays," Eustace replied. "A lot of weird things happened to me. I've told you, her name is Cara. She's dating my cousin Edmund and she's not from this world."

"What kind of things?"

"I think I can trust you." Jill glanced up at him. "But it's the most terrific secret." His voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you believe, now I mean right outside this world?" He let out a deep breath. "Our world."

Jill shook her head slightly. "I don't even know what that means."

Eustace looked to the side a moment in thought, then turned back to Jill. "In a place where... Animals can talk, and there are dragons and enchantments."

Jill shook her head again as she asked, "How did you get there?"

Cara smiled. "The only way anyone can. By magic. How do you think I got to your world?"

"I think I'm getting a bit old for magic."

Eustace sat straighter. "Oh, come off it! But I-I know what you mean." He leaned forward slightly. "I was with my cousins and they can't go back because they're too old."

"I certainly wish we could get away from here."

"He never said I couldn't go back. I'm sure if I really wanted to he'd let me."

"Who? Eustace, what are you talking about?"

"A certain someone." Jill stood and went to look behind them while Eustace stood against the wall. "Someone called Aslan."

Jill walked back towards Eustace. "Aslan?"

Cara nodded. "He's the ruler over all of Narnia."

"I wonder if we could get there," Eustace said.

"How?" Jill wondered. "You mean draw a magic circle on the ground and stand in it?"

"No. He'd just think that was wrought. Just... Call him. Aslan."

The three began calling Aslan's name.

The kids chasing Jill grew louder as they ran closer and Eustace said, "Come on!"

Eustace, Cara and Jill emerged from their hiding spot and ran to the gate.

"If only it was unlocked," Eustace muttered.

Jill shook her head. "It never is."

Eustace and Cara pushed the door open and the outside transformed to a Narnian meadow.

Jill and Eustace's eyes widened and Cara smiled.

Eustace said, "Come on." He placed a hand on Jill's back and she went through the doorway. Once she'd done so, he and Cara did the same and closed the gate door behind them.

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