"He's only a child," Puddleglum said.

The Black Knight pointed his sword at Puddleglum. "Do you want to die instead?"

"Not especially, but if it is a choice between me, a child, you'd better kill me."

The Black Knight laughed sarcastically. "Oh, that's funny." He thrusted his sword into the door inches from Puddleglum's face and held it there a moment before pulling it out.

Eustace, Cara and Jill stood.

The Black Knight continued. "If you were not so young a warrior, you and I would have fought on this." He sheathed his sword. "But I would hear no word against my lady's honour. Whatever she said to you, be sure it was a good intent."

"Couldn't be," Jill said. "If you-"

"Silence! She's a nosegay of all virtues." He sat in his chair. "But you shall know and love her hereafter. Meanwhile-" He jerked slightly and held a hand up, telling the four to stay back.

The four moved slightly closer to the Black Knight. Jill and Cara walked closer to him while Eustace and Puddleglum stood back.

"What is your errand in the Deep Lands?" the Black Knight asked.

"Please," Jill replied. "We are trying to find Prince Rilian of Narnia."

The Black Knight looked at Jill. "Rilian? Narnia? Strange names. Narnia. What land is that? I've never heard the name before. Must be a thousand leagues from those parts of the Overworld that I know."

Cara stepped closer and studied the man. "It's not so strange."

The Black Knight stared back at her before saying, "What a strange fantasy to come searching from, how do you call it? Billion? Trillion? In my lady's realm, to my certain knowledge, there's never been such a man here."

Eustace began moving closer as he said, "We've been told to look for a message on the stones of the city's ruins," he glanced back at Puddleglum, then faced forward again, "and we saw the words "under me"."

"And under it is; more or less," Puddleglum added.

"You were the more deceived," the Black Knight told them. "My lady could have given you better counsel had you had the sense to ask her." He paused a moment. "Those words are all that is left of a longer script from ancient times, which she well remembers." He abruptly stood. "Expresses this verse." He began walking and Eustace ushered Jill and Cara closer. The two of them moved back towards Eustace and the four companions stood together once again. ""The one death and thronerous now I be. Yet while I lived-" Or what was it?"

The Black Knight faced the four before saying, "You must know that I'm a man under a most strange affliction. My lady the Queen has said that none may see my face until the bewitchment is broken. Yet one of you recognises my eyes." He rushed to the door and opened it before yelling, "Hey, guards! Bring wine and lots of food for my guests. Please, you be seated gentlemen."

Cara continued staring at the man and sat at the end next to Jill while the Black Knight sat across from them. Eustace and Puddleglum sat opposite each other, next to Jill, Cara and the Black Knight.

The Black Knight spoke again. "You must understand my friends, that I know nothing of who I am or who I was in my past life. I remember no time when I was not dwelling at the court of this Queen." He leaned forward. "But my thought is that she brought me hither to save me from the evil enchantment." He jerked towards Puddleglum who looked at him with barely hidden fear. "An empty cup. It would suffer me to refill it." He filled Puddleglum's cup and slammed the pitcher down. "The Queen and I arrived sometime in the Overworld to accustom my eyes to the sunlight, but I must go with my visor down and may never speak lest the spell be broken."

"But what is this evil enchantment you're under?" Eustace asked.

"I know not. Only that at a certain time every evening I become a changed man. I grow in fury and rage, and would kill even my dearest friend if he came close to me."

Puddleglum let out a small sigh. "And that is a spell with all the marks of a witch upon it."

"But by her Majesty's heart I shall be free from this accursed mask and the bewitchment the moment she has made me King of that land and given me her hand in marriage in the Overworld above."

"As a matter of interest," Jill began, "where is the Queen now?"

The Black Knight stood and Jill looked at him curiously while Cara's gaze turned to one of light concern.

The Black Knight began walking as he said, "At that very place," he picked something up, "inspecting the diggings." He set the object down and leaned closer to Jill. "Soon a thin roof of Earth will be broken through and with her to guide me, and a thousand Earthmen at my back, I shall ride forth in arms, slay my enemies chief man and doubtless be their crowned King within four and twenty hours."

Eustace leaned towards Puddleglum and said quietly, "Bit rough luck on them, isn't it?"

The Black Knight grabbed Eustace by the shoulders, causing him to suck in a breath.

"Let him go!" Cara shouted.

The Black Knight ignored her and continued staring down at a terrified Eustace as he said, "Thou art a lad with a wondrous quick-working wit. For on my honour I'd never thought of it before. I see your meaning." He let a hand slide across Eustace's cheek to his ear before letting him go.

The Black Knight sat back down and continued. "Isn't it comical to think of them going about their business and never dreaming that under their peaceful fields and floors only a fathom down is a great army about to break out upon them like a fountain." He chuckled.

Jill stared angrily at the Black Knight as she said, "I don't think it's funny at all. You sound to me as though you'll be a wicked tyrant."

The Black Knight stood and knocked a cup to the floor, causing a metallic clatter. "What?!" He rushed towards Jill. "Is the little maid a politician?!" He held Jill's face in his hands and looked at her. "Never fear, sweet one. I shall rule that land by the counsel of my lady who will then be my Queen, too. Her word will be my law."

He sat in his chair once again and seemed to have fallen asleep. When his eyes opened again, he saw the four staring at him with concern.

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