Puddleglum crawled out from where he'd fallen and asked Cara, "Are you all right?"

Cara nodded. "Yes, thanks to you."

"Puddleglum!" Eustace cried as he and Jill went to help the Marsh-wiggle up. "We thought you were dead."

"No," Puddleglum replied in a shaky voice. "They're not aiming at us." Another rock was thrown near them. "Let's get out of here."

"Come on!"

The four began making their way across the mountainous valley and Puddleglum said, "That's what they're trying to hit."

"I hate looking at these horrible creatures," Jill stated rudely as she looked back at the Giants.

Cara frowned. "It may be wise to have some respect. We're invading their land."

"You don't have to," Eustace told Jill. "Look straight ahead. Now come on!"

The four ran away from the Giants.

Eventually they escaped and as they walked along a path, Puddleglum said, "I should wonder if we won't have snow soon. Huh. Then we're sure to get lost. Best look on the bright side."

"Oh, come on," Jill muttered with a brief shake of her head.

"Best look on the bright side."

They made camp when it got dark. As a fire roared, Puddleglum said, "Back-to-back, that's how to keep each other warm."

Jill and Eustace learned against each other's backs and the former asked, "Whose back will you like against, Puddleglum?"

"My own," he answered.

"Nonsense," Cara said. "Lean against mine."

"Your Highness-"


"Very well. Thank you." He leaned against Cara's back.

"It's still jolly cold," Eustace stated.

"I know how you can make yourself feel warmer."


"By thinking about how much colder it'll be when you go further north."

Jill glanced back at Eustace who said after a moment, "It doesn't work."

Cara frowned at Puddleglum. "Perhaps try thinking of a roaring fire, or of a hot meal, or the blooming spring, or even of Aslan himself."

Eustace was silent for a moment. "It's still not working."

"Keep trying. That's all I ask."

Jill sighed and began speaking to herself in a hushed voice.

"What are you muttering about?" Eustace asked in an irritated tone.

"The signs," Jill replied. "I'm saying the signs. Two. Journey north until you come to the ruined city of the Giants." She glanced back at her friend. "I bet you don't remember three."

"You're the one that had to remember them."

"No fair. Puddleglum, Cara, is that fair?"

Puddleglum snored and Jill let out an annoyed groan as she glanced at the Princess who was also drifting off.

The next morning, as they walked, Jill said, "When you find writing on a stone, do what that writing says. When you find writing on a stone, do what that writing says. When you find writing on a stone, do what that writing says."

They reached the top of the mountain and Puddleglum and Cara said, "Steady. Steady."

"Scrubb hates heights," Jill stated in a teasing manner.

"Oh, be quiet," Eustace retorted.

"Is this really the only way, to climb all the way down there and all the way up the other side?"

"Can't do that. It's too dangerous."

"Oh, there is a bright side," Puddleglum told them. "If we break our necks getting down a cliff, at least we won't have to worry about being drowned under a-"

"Look! A Giant's bridge."

Cara smiled. "Quite a keen eye, Eustace."

"Could be a trap," Puddleglum mumbled as they resumed walking. "Could be a trap. You've got to look out for enchantment in a place like this. The Princess or I could just turn to mist and melt away. Just when we are out in the middle of it."

"Don't be such a wet blanket," Jill told him.

"Why shouldn't it be a proper bridge?" Eustace asked.

"Do you think any of the Giants we've met could have had the brains to build a bridge like that?" Puddleglum countered.

"It could have been built by really clever Giants," Jill reasoned.

On Puddleglum's confusion, Jill turned to face him and said in a louder voice, "It could have been built by really clever giants. In fact, the very kind we're looking for. That would mean we're on the right track." She glanced at Eustace and Cara. "The old bridge leading to the old city."

Cara nodded. "Thought out and spoken."

"That's a real brainwave, Pole," Eustace commented. "It must be that."

"Ooh," Puddleglum said.


As they walked, Puddleglum continued making sounds. "Oh-oh-oh."

They walked toward the bridge and when they reached it, they were met with a staircase leading high into the sky.

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