The Black Knight jolted forward, causing Jill to flinch back. He grabbed her and said, "On this night of all nights, when she-"

His words were drowned out as Jill screamed and begged, "Help me!"

"You take me from a chance that may never come again." Jill screamed again. "And somewhat surely, but she said she would-" Cara couldn't make out his final word. She and Eustace grabbed Jill, pulling her back. The Black Knight tried reaching out, but couldn't get far due to his restraints.

Jill cried into Eustace's shoulder before lifting her head and saying, "We should've stayed in the other room until it was all over."

Cara gave Jill a small smile. "You're safe now."

The Black Knight reached out again. "Help me. Help me. Give me my sword!"

"Not on your life," Eustace retorted.

The Black Knight gripped an arm of the Chair. "Once I am free, I shall take such revenge on this Queen and her people that they'll talk of it a thousand years."

Jill, Cara, Eustace and Puddleglum stared at the Black Knight worriedly.

The Black Knight grunted as he tried escaping from the Chair and warned, "Beware, beware! One night, I did break my bonds. The witch was here to stop me. You will not have to help me tonight." He stilled and stared at the four. "Free me now, for I am your friend. I'm your mortal enemy else. So for all, I beg you to set me free. By all feels. By all lived. By the bright skies are overlapped. By the Great Lion, by Aslan himself!" Instantly, the four knew, further confirming what Cara had not long ago realised. "Set me free."

"Oh no," Eustace said as he turned to his companions, then back to the Black Knight.

"Oh dear," Jill mumbled.

"It's the sign," Puddleglum whispered.

"We must save him!" Cara cried.

"Oh." Puddleglum walked closer to the Black Knight. "It's the sign."

"No," Eustace argued. "It's the words of the sign."

Cara stared at Eustace. "Are you doubting the Great Lion's words?"

"It may be, but he only said the words."

"What shall we do?" Jill wondered.

"Would Aslan really have meant us to-" he paused as he faced the Black Knight, "to unbind this lunatic?"

Jill said, "If only we knew."

"I think we do know," Puddleglum said. "Clara certainly knows. This man called her his mother. Aslan didn't tell Pole what would happen if she followed the signs. He simply told her what she had to do. This fellow might be the death of us if we lose him. But that doesn't let us off following Aslan's signs." He glanced back at the others and Eustace gave a single nod. Jill looked at Puddleglum warily while Cara had a glimmer of hope in her eye.

Puddleglum stepped closer to the Black Knight and gingerly took the binding around his neck off. He pulled off the shackles around his wrists and ankles. The Black Knight slowly looked up with a dangerous glint in his eye.

The Black Knight shot up and grabbed his sword, letting out a yell. He ran towards them and Eustace and Cara pushed Jill out of the way as they themselves moved.

Still yelling, the Black Knight began hitting the Silver Chair. Sparks flew as metal hit metal.

The demolished Silver Chair smoked as it laid in ruin.

The Black Knight breathed heavily and sheathed his sword before saying, "Lie there in ruin vile engine of sorcery. Lest your mistress should use you upon another victim." He pulled at the helmet and the mask surrounding his eyes came off. He lifted the helmet and shook out his hair before throwing the helmet to the ground, which clattered as soon as it hit the floor.

Cara's eyes widened as she watched nervously.

Puddleglum stood and his eyes were wide as he slowly walked towards the others.

"What?" the man said. "Do I see a Marsh-wiggle?" Puddleglum nodded as he was pulled up. "A real live honest Narnian Marsh-wiggle?" Puddleglum nodded again.

"Then you have heard of Narnia," Jill realised.

"You may well believe it, for I am Rilian. Prince of Narnia."

"Oh. Your Royal Highness," Puddleglum greeted. "Ooh. We've come far for no other reason but to seek and deliver you." He gave a little bow.

Rilian gestured to the children. "Who are my other rescuers?" He looked down at Cara. "It can't be. Is it true?"

"I'm Eustace," the boy said.

Rilian put a hand to the side of Eustace's head. "I've heard my father and mother speak of you." Puddleglum pulled Eustace back.

Jill stepped up next to Eustace. "And I'm Pole. Jill Pole."

Rilian placed a hand on top of hers. "I owe all four of you a debt greater than I can ever repay." He stepped in front of Cara. "My dear aunt. Is it really you?"

Cara nodded. "It's really me."

Rilian pulled her up and said to the others, "Tell me. My father, is he well?"

"He still lives, my lord, but he is old and frail," Puddleglum replied.

Eustace stepped in front of Jill and cut in. "Excuse me, but shouldn't we be going?"

Rilian clapped Eustace's shoulder and the five began running.

"We must use cunning for that," Rilian told them as they ran.

Rilian opened the door to reveal the green-cladded witch standing on the other side. She instantly put a hand to her chest and her eyes widened.

The Green-Witch briefly looked around before making her way to the demolished Chair.

She turned and in a low voice, asked the four companions, "Which one of you has dared destroy the Silver Chair?"

Cara's gaze hardened as she stared at the Green-Witch.

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