"Leave the hatch door open," a Giant ordered as she wiped her hands. "So the cat can go in and out. Poor thing." She sighed and the four continued walking, eventually stopping in front of a chair. "Well, that's done then. Kettle's in its place, it'll make a nice cup of tea later." She sat in the chair. "First I shall have a little sit down. I might even have 40 winks." The four were looking up at her. "As long as that hunting party doesn't come back too soon wanting this and that."

"When do they usually come back?" Jill asked.

"There's no telling with them. Oh, do be quiet and sit down for a bit, dearies." She made herself comfortable and closed he eyes.

The four looked at her. Suddenly, she opened her eyes and began spitting and swatting at the air, trying to get a bug. She gave up and closed her eyes once again.

Jill, Eustace, Puddleglum and Cara watched her for a moment before sneaking away. A noise caught their attention and they froze.

"Let's make a dash for it," Eustace whispered.

The four briskly made their way to the door before freezing and glancing back at the Giant again.

"I can't stand this," Jill said quietly before climbing up a ladder of sorts to the top of a table while Cara, Puddleglum and Eustace watched nervously from the ground.

Jill looked around and an open book caught her attention. She crouched as she looked at it and began reading on mallards. "My lord. 'This delicious bird can be cooked in a variety of ways.' The Giant cookbook. I wonder what Giants eat." She looked at the next page. "'Man. This elegant little biped has long been valued as a delicacy. It forms a traditional part of the Autumn Feast and is served between the fish and the joint." She let out a soft gasp. "Eustace, Puddleglum, Cara, come up here quick." She motioned for them to join her. "Quick." Eustace helped Cara up, then began climbing up himself. "Come up here, Puddleglum. Hurry."

As Eustace, with help from Puddleglum, got up, Jill pointed to the book and whispered, "This book." Eustace and Cara looked to where Jill was pointing. "Here, look. Man-Pie."

Puddleglum reached the top and he and Jill turned the page. Eustace and Cara investigated a bowl and the former picked something up.

"Ooh!" Puddleglum said in a loud tone. "Marsh-wiggle."

"Shh!" Eustace and Cara told him.

Puddleglum ignored them and continued speaking loudly. "Some authorities think this animal unfit for Giants consumption because of its stringy consistency," Eustace brought his face in front of Puddleglum's a he continued to shush him while the girls glanced at the Giant nervously, "and muddy flavour. Huh. Is that nice?" He stood. "Is that nice?" The three continued shushing him. "I would have cut that out. Wouldn't choose that mess."

The four left, hoping they wouldn't get caught.

They hopped out the hatch door and snuck out another door.

Once they were outside, Eustace said, "We got out."

"No we haven't," Puddleglum argued. "The most dangerous bit is still ahead. Remember, we've gone for a walk. If we're caught running away, we're done for."

"Oh, these clothes," Jill said. "We must be visible for miles."

"We are."

The hunting party returned. A horn sounded and a male Giant yelled, "Release the hounds!"

Dogs began chasing them. Eustace and Jill started running, soon joined by Puddleglum and Cara.

The four ran as fast as they could while yelling, "Come on!"

They found a place under rocks to hide in and Cara smiled fondly, remembering Lucy's stories of the first time the Pevensies had arrived in Narnia.

Puddleglum threw his hat to the dogs before joining the others.

"All join hands," Eustace said.

"I would if I could find anyone's hand," Jill replied.

"Or just, just feel around and feel around and gotcha," Puddleglum told Jill.

"That's mine you've got," Eustace stated.

Jill took Clara's hand before saying, "I've got you, Puddleglum. Cara too. We're all linked up."

"Slowly now," Puddleglum and Cara instructed.

"Step by step," Puddleglum added. "That'd be a mortal danger in here. I shouldn't worry about dragons, an invisible person. Who knows what-"

Suddenly, they began sliding down and all four screamed.

Cara sighed and shook her head.

When they reached the bottom, they groaned.

After a moment, Jill said, "Are you here? Oh, say you are. I don't want to be alone down here in the dark."

"I'm here," Eustace replied in a pained tone.

"As am I," Cara answered.

"So am I," Puddleglum said.

While the others spoke and complained, Cara stood with a light groan and looked around.

She closed her eyes and whispered, "Show us the way, Aslan. Please."

Cara glanced back at Jill. "Try to have faith. Aslan has never failed us, and he shan't start now."

A male voice caught their attention. "So. What brings you here, creatures of the Overworld?"

"Who is it?" Eustace demanded sharply. "Who's there?"

"I am the warden of the Underworld and with me stands a band of Under Earthmen fully armed. So quickly, tell me now who you are, and what is your purpose here in the Deep Realm."

"Well," Puddleglum began. "A band of men sounds very grand, but in this light, how do we know if you're bluffing or not? You might only have two. Or one."

Lanterns turned on, revealing Earthmen around them.

"Oh, look at them," Puddleglum commented. "Those chaps don't teach me to take a serious view of life, I don't know what will. Did you ever see such sorrowful countenances?"

"Shh," Jill told Puddleglum.

"So now answer my question," the lead Earthman said. "Why have you come here to the Deep Realm?"

"We fell down by accident," Puddleglum replied.

Cara nodded as she nervously stared at the Earthmen surrounding them.

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