The four continued their trek and something soon caught Jill's eye.

"A castle!" Jill exclaimed. "It must be Harfang. At last."

"Oh yes," Puddleglum said.

"Wouldn't be too sure," Eustace muttered. "It's mid-day. They'll be closing the city gates soon. We've got to get there first."

"Then hurry!" Jill told him.

Their pace quickened slightly as they headed towards the castle. It began snowing and Cara shivered at the sudden change in weather.

As he climbed up a boulder, Eustace said, "It's so cold."

"Come on, Puddleglum," Jill stated. "Nearly there. Come on, Cara."

Once he'd reached the top, Eustace yelled, "Not so far now!"

Jill tripped and fell down a hole with a scream. Cara tried to catch her, but nearly fell and Puddleglum caught her.

"Are you hurt?" Eustace asked. "Pole?"

"Perfect? Broken I shouldn't wonder," Puddleglum said.

"I'm perfectly all right thank you," Jill retorted as she looked up at them, "but you'll have to help me out." She began standing.

Eustace said after a moment, "Wait a sec. It's not just a hole. It's too regular."

Jill, who had gotten to her feet, said, "It's some kind of trench or lane."

"And running due north. If it's a road, we'll be out of the wind."

Jill glanced up. "At least I'm out of the wind."

"What happens further on?"

"I'll have a look." She began walking away.

"You be careful, Pole," Puddleglum told her.

"Jill, please be careful," Cara said.

"It might lead to a dragon's den." Jill glanced back. "And remember; it's Giant Country. It'll be full of giant worms or beetles I'll be bound." Jill grimaced and turned.

"Where does that go to?" Eustace wondered.

"Nowhere much."

"What do you mean nowhere much?" His voice dropped. "She's in a dead zone. I'll have a look." He began climbing down.

"Steady, boy," Puddleglum stated.

Eustace and Cara reached the bottom and joined Jill while Puddleglum remained at the top.

Eustace, Cara and Jill walked along the road whilst wrapping their arms around themselves.

"Another one," Eustace said as he and Jill came upon something. They reached a dead end. "Nothing!"

Jill turned and began walking a different way.

"We have to hurry or we'll never get to Harfang," Eustace said.

"But what a weird place," Jill commented. "Why build trenches that lead to nowhere?"

"I have no idea. Come on, we're late already!"

Eustace took the lead and led them back to Puddleglum, who said, "Heave ho!"

Puddleglum offered his walking stick to Eustace who grabbed it. The Marshwiggle pulled the boy up as he said, "Heave!" Eustace reached the top. "Heave ho!" He pulled Jill up. "Are you still sure of those signs, Pole?" He pulled Cara up.

"I followed the signs!" Jill retorted with a growl.

"What signs are we supposed to be after now?"

"Oh, something about someone saying Aslan's name. I'm too cold to give a recitation here."

"That's not the next one," Eustace told her. "Didn't Aslan's name come later?"

"Got the signs mixed up I shouldn't wonder," Puddleglum said. "Haven't you noticed how regular some of these shapes are? Something in the signs I shouldn't wonder."

"Maybe you say that it means something gooey, so please stop," Jill told him.

"Is this the time for a stop to admire the view?" Eustace shot back. "For goodness sake, let's get a move on!"

"It's getting dark," Puddleglum warned. "I think we should think of making camp here."

Cara nodded. "It's far better to be somewhat safe than in more danger."

"Look! Look!" Jill exclaimed, pointing to a castle.

"Harfang!" Eustace and Cara said.

"Yes, well, it's all very well-" Puddleglum began

"Oh shut up!" Jill cried.

Puddleglum looked at her in shock.

"We haven't a moment to lose," Eustace said.

"Don't you remember what the lady said about them locking up so early?" Jill reminded them. "We must get there in time. We must! We must! We will die if we shut up and wait for the light."

"Well it's not exactly-" Puddleglum was cut off.

"Oh come on!" Jill and Eustace yelled.

"Enough!" Cara shouted. "This arguing isn't helping. I'm cold too, but we don't knowwhat these Giants are like. So we should proceed with caution over comfort. All right?"

Eustace and Jill nodded.

They resumed walking and Puddleglum said quietly, "Not yet it isn't."

"Hurry," Eustace told them. "Hurry, Puddleglum. Hurry, Cara."

"Steady. Steady. Leave this to me." He walked closer to the door while Eustace, Cara and Jill stood back. "Whatever you do, don't look frightened. You've done the silliest thing in the world, coming here. But now that we are here, we must put a bold face on it." He continued walking towards the front door.

"That much for the maybe wet blanket," Eustace muttered, earning a frown from Cara. "He certainly has plenty of Clark handshake." He, Jill and Cara followed Puddleglum.

"Oh there, Walker!" Puddleglum called. "Yes. Seeking lodgings for the night." He knocked on the door as the other three joined him. He then said in a low tone, "Don't look frightened."

The door opened. A Giant looked around and smiled as soon as he saw the four travellers.

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