The Black Knight's eyes widened and he jolted forward before saying, "Friends, that now is very near. I'm ashamed that you should see me, yet I dread to be left alone."

"What is to happen?" Puddleglum asked.

The Black Knight looked at Puddleglum and stood. He walked behind the Marsh-wiggle and said, "Come."

The four followed him to the other side of the room. He opened an ornate door to reveal a glowing chair. Cara shielded her eyes and squinted at the bright light.

"The Silver Chair," Eustace whispered. "It's beautiful."

"Beautiful?" the Black Knight repeated. "Under its enchantment I become furious in rage. Stay with me. The truth may not be here when the evil enchantment grips me. None except the Queen, but as she's away, you must stay."

"We'd certainly be happy to, but those guards threatened us. And the moment they see us, well-"

"The guards." The Black Knight suddenly rushed to the opposite end of the room and the four companions followed. "Go through yonder door, leave my private apartments, and the await my coming to all my sufferings around."

The four did as instructed. Cara kept staring at the door to the main room where the Black Knight had been, worried he'd try to attack them again.

They listened to him scream.

"Should we go back to him?" Eustace asked.

"No," Jill replied. "I'd rather not."

"But wait a minute," Puddleglum said. "I'm sure that Queen's a witch and an enemy. There's a strong smell of danger and magic and lies and treason. We need to know everything that's going on. I vote we go back."

Cara nodded slowly. "I think we must go back to help him."

Everyone nodded in agreement and the four slowly walked back towards the Black Knight.

Puddleglum opened the door and Jill, Eustace and Cara entered the main room.

As they walked towards the room with the Silver Chair, the Black Knight screamed. Eustace glanced back at the others, Jill looked between Puddleglum and Cara.

After reaching the ornate door and briefly staring back at the others for a moment, Eustace opened the door to the Silver Chair room. The blinding light shone again, but it was less bright than before.

"Come in friends," the Black Knight said from the Silver Chair. "The fit comes and goes, and is not fully upon me." There was shuffling from the four. "Make no noise, for I told that prying warden that you were in bed. Listen while I am still master of myself." The four walked closer. "When the fit is upon me, I shall beg and implore you, entreat and threaten you to loosen my bonds. They tell me that is what I do. I shall call upon you by all that is most dear and most dreadful, but do not listen to me. Harden your hearts, stop your ears. For while I am bound, you are safe. If once I are up and out of this chair, I'd be transformed into a serpent and would kill you."

"Never fear," Puddleglum and Cara told him.

"We have no desire to do battle with serpents," Puddleglum added.

"But be careful," the Black Knight warned as the four slowly moved closer. "There's no knowing what I will say to catch off your guard. You promise? You swear that whatever I say you do not release me from my bonds?"

Jill audibly breathed in as she said quietly, "I jolly well think not."

"Nevertheless, we must be cautious coming I shouldn't wonder," Puddleglum stated.

The Black Knight began seizing in his chair and cried out.

The four watched as the Black Knight began begging and cried out for mercy.

Suddenly, all fell silent. The Black Knight's eyes closed and his head dropped as he stilled.

Puddleglum walked closer and placed a hand to the Black Knight's heart while Cara waited to find out what would happen.

The Black Knight's eyes shot open as he said, "Quick. I-I'm saying now." Jill, Eustace and Cara moved closer. "Every night I am sane, and it is the only time that I am. If only I could get out of this enchanted chair! My sanity would last, I'd be a man again, myself again, but every night they bind me, every night my chance is gone. You are not my enemies. Please! Quickly! Cut my bonds. Please! I beseech you. Have they told you that if I am released I shall go berserk and kill you?" He studied their expressions and let out a sigh. "I see by your faces that they have. It is a lie! It is at this hour that I am in my right mind. All the rest of the day I am bewitched! You are not witches! At least not all of you. You are not underworld men! Of your courtesy, cut my bonds!"

Eustace glanced at the others and said quietly, "I hope they're safe."

Cara frowned, wondering if the sign from Aslan had come.

The Black Knight breathed heavily and looked at them sadly. "You have hearts of stone. You look upon a wretched who has suffered more than any mortal could bear." Jill and Cara slowly stepped closer. "The hours are slipping by." The girls continued moving closer. "Save me now. For when these hours have passed, I should be witless again. A toy of that most devilish sorceress." He focused on Cara with pleading eyes. "I beg of you, dear aunt. Please. Save me."

Cara frowned. "Aunt? You're..." Her eyes widened. "Oh, my."

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