Chapter 2: That's so Sweet of You (Vivvy)

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The depressing, melancholic sky brightened a little with some faint wind gusts. I was getting ready to go home as I packed my things into my backpack. I wonder how Edgar's doing. I shouldn't worry too much though. After all, I just met him today.

I opened the glass door that led to the stairwell and slid down the railing. It was way more efficient and less tiring than running down the stairs. Plus, it's more fun.

Once I was at the bottom, I quickly fled the school. There were a few people outside. Just the teachers on duty and a few other kids, specifically freshmen. I tend to ignore freshmen because they're really weird. They're always yelling and laughing at who knows what.

I innocently walk past them and minded my own business. The freshmen glance at me for a quick second, but I didn't bother to even glance back at them. I continued walking despite their uncomfortable stares.

While walking on the sidewalk, I suddenly felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and it was someone unexpected.

"Hey, did you drop your phone?"

It was Ashton. I guess that you can describe him as the "popular guy" in my school. People always like him, and he gets along with everyone. Not only that, he's actually kind of, pretty. We would sometimes talk when we walk home from school, but we barely socialize in class. Honestly, he's a nice person, and I understand why he's popular.

I checked my pockets and realized that... I didn't have my phone. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

"I-I think. I could've sworn that it was in my pocket..." I examined my bag for my phone as he reached into his pocket.

"Is this your phone? I found it on the floor in the stairwell," he asked while staring at me with his brown eyes.

I felt my heart stay afloat again. Thank god I didn't lose my phone. It must've fell when I slid down the railing. After sighing to myself, I took the phone out of his hands and shoved it into my pocket.

"Yeah, it's mine. Thanks for finding it," I thanked him.

Ashton played with his brown hair as he walked beside me. I was fighting the urge to just mess up his hair. The both of us weren't really close, so doing that would not be very courteous of me.

"You okay?" Ashton blurted out. "You were alone today."

"I'm fine. Really," I'm having mixed feelings, but it's best to just say that I'm fine.

He laughed a bit, "How did you even lose your phone?"

"I dunno. Stuff like that happens," I tried to sound interested in the conversation, but honestly I just wanted to leave. No offence.

Ashton checked his phone and a subtle smile formed across his face. He stopped walking and began texting someone. It's not nice to just go on your phone when you're in an active conversation. Isn't that common sense? 2 minutes have passed and he's now biting his lip. No smile this time though. It's more of an anxious expression.

"Um, should I leave?" I reluctantly asked. I mean, it's awkward just standing around watching him text some person on his phone.

"Wait a bit," he quickly replied. "It won't take long."

Yeah right. His fingers moved quickly as I heard each click on the keyboard. As more time passed, I was getting impatient, so I zoned out a bit. I wonder what was behind that screen that made Ashton look so anxious.

I was caught off guard, and I felt someone place their hands on my shoulders. It startled me, and I quickly turned around.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I scare you? I didn't mean to..." The short boy, who instantly hugged me once I turned around, was Edgar.

"It's alright. Don't worry," I awkwardly hugged him back as I turned to look at Ashton. To my surprise, Ashton's eyes were already looking directly at me, and he made his way over to me. He put his phone away like he never even used it in the first place.

"Vivvy, who is this?" Ashton's voice was solemn; quite rare to hear him talk in that tone.

With Edgar still latched onto me, I said, "This is Edgar. We just met each other today."

Edgar bashfully looked at Ashton, while Ashton just stared at the both of us with piercing eyes.

"It's nice to meet you," Edgar quietly greeted. "Vivi's a really nice person isn't she?"

Ashton's eyes widened in shock, but he still replied to Edgar, "Yeah... she is nice."

Edgar clung onto my arm and smiled brightly. He always seemed happy around me; always smiling, plus he's so polite too.

"Can I please walk you home?" Edgar pleaded with a bright smile.

I looked down the road. Ashton walks the opposite direction from here. I go right, and he goes left.

"Sure thing," I responded and softly smiled at Edgar. I turned to Ashton who looked severely dumbfounded.

"Well, I'll be going now," I waved at Ashton. "Bye."

"Bye..." Ashton's voice trailed off as I walked away with Edgar beside me.

The neighbourhood was quiet, as usual. Trees were still bare and Edgar was still tightly clinging onto my arm. It didn't take long until we reached my house.

"Wow, this is where you live?" Edgar scrutinized the exterior of my house. My house wasn't anything special. There were a few flower buds that my mom planted in rows in the front of my house, and giant windows that were tinted and spotless.

"Yeah this is my house. I replied. "Will you be alright going back home?"

Edgar nodded and let go of my arm.

"You don't have to worry about me," Edgar blushed a little. "I'll be going now. Have a good day Vivi!"

"Thanks," I watched as Edgar walked away from my house.

I approached my house while I opened my bag and reached for my house keys. I opened the front door and quietly shut it behind me. I hung my coat and bag in the closet and went to find my mom.

In the kitchen, I saw my mom, wearing her white apron, and her hair tied back into a loose messy bun.

"Oh hello Vivvy! How was school?" she kindly asked.

"It was alright. My friends weren't at school, but I made a new friend," I responded. I tell my mom everything. She's easy to talk to, and she's a very understanding person.

"It's too bad that your friends weren't at school, but I'm glad that you made a new friend. That's so sweet of you. Tell me a bit about them," my mom always wants to know how my day's going. She always checks up on me.

"Well, his name is Edgar. He's a year younger than me," I just realized that I don't know much about Edgar. Why yes, we talked, but I don't know much about him from that one interaction.

"Oh that's nice. Let's hope that you aren't alone tomorrow," my mom smiled.

I walked up to her and looked at what she was doing. She was taking the cookies off of the baking tray and setting them aside to cool on a cooling rack. Even though the cookies were hot, I took one and shoved it into my mouth.

"Hey! Be careful! You'll burn your mouth if you keep doing that!" my mom shouted in concern.

She gently tugged at my cheek and caressed it.

"It's fine mom. Anyways, I'm going to my room okay?" I said as she nodded in reply.

The cookie was delicious. It was very sweet.

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