Chapter 12: Ms.Carlton (Ashton)

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It's been a week since I've last seen Vivvy. I'm really worried about her. I've texted her, and called her, but she hasn't replied to me. As for him, he's here. Edgar disappeared for about two days but came back eventually. I hate him. I have people that I don't like, but him, I hate him so much.

I went to the stairwell because Vivvy usually spent her time here. Looking at the stairwell, I couldn't help but remember all of the missed opportunities I had to talk to her. I miss seeing her at school.

As I was going down the stairs, I bumped into Genevieve. She and Vivvy are best friends, so perhaps Genevieve would know something about Vivvy. I approached her.

"Hey," I greeted. She stopped walking and looked me straight in the eye.

"Hey," she greeted back.

This was so awkward. Genevieve just glared at me the whole time while I try to think about what to say. She's completely different around Vivvy. Usually Genevieve is always smiling and energetic around Vivvy. However, she's kind of intimidating right now.

"So are you just going to stand there and look at me? Do you have something to say?" she was getting impatient.

"Oh um, has Vivvy texted you or anything? She hasn't been to school at all..." I asked.

Genevieve crossed her arms and averted her gaze, "No. She hasn't texted me. Why do you ask?"

"I was just worried. That's all," I replied.

Genevieve then pushed me aside and walked past me, "I have to go now."

I tried to stop her, but she just ignored me and kept walking away. It's like she's trying to avoid anything that involves Vivvy. Did they... get into a fight or something? I noticed that they were kind of distant..

Instead of worrying, I should just visit Vivvy. I plan on doing that right after school. I already told the coach that I won't be able to attend practice today, so now's the chance. My only fear is meeting her parents. I want to leave a good first impression on them, but most importantly, I want to make sure that Vivvy is okay.

After school, I walked to Vivvy's place. I still remember where it was. I turn right here, then keep going straight. Number 129. I scanned through the house numbers and I found it.

I saw a black car parked in front of the garage. Great. Her parents are home. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. My heart was beating fast. Why was I so nervous? I'm just visiting her...

The door opened, and I don't know what I was expecting, but I was surprised to see a petite woman who resembled Vivvy at the door. She had straight black hair, and she was wearing a white blouse and a black midi skirt. It looked like she just got home from work. It must be her mom.

"Hi there, do you need something?" she kindly asked. I took a deep breath before replying.

"I-I'm here to see Vivvy," I replied.

She smiled brightly, "And you are...?"

"Ashton. I'm Vivvy's friend," I softly smiled back.

Now that I said it, what am I to Vivvy? We never really confirmed that we were friends. We kind of just, hung out, walked each other home, and we even hugged too.

"Alright, come in," Vivvy's mom beckoned. "My name is Esna by the way."

Esna. I have to remember that. It's a unique name, so I'll most likely remember it. She guided me to Vivvy's room and knocked on the door.

"Vivvy, someone's here to see you," Esna gently said.

"Who is it...?" Vivvy's quiet voice spoke.

Esna opened the door and gently shoved me inside Vivvy's room. Vivvy's eyes widened as she saw me. She was sitting on her bed, wrapped in a blanket, and she looked so vulnerable and frail.


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