Chapter 16 III (Vivvy)

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The whole trip we were silent, and I dropped him off at the office. He sat on the bench outside and smiled softly at me.

"Thank you... Vivvy..." he quietly whispered.

I looked at him, still feeling uncomfortable around him.

"I still don't forgive you. And I never will. I just felt like being nice today," I replied, annoyed.

He ran his fingers through his hair and smirked to himself, "Ashton isn't as nice as he seems... he threatened me, and he even hurt me. I didn't even do anything..."

I gulped, trying to figure out if he was lying or not. He's probably lying... Just then, Francois appeared behind me.

"Hey Vivvy," he greeted.

Perfect. I wanted to leave.

"Hey. I kind of have to go now. Mind looking out for Edgar?" I smiled. He agreed and I left.

I had to talk to Ashton. I need to find out what happened. I hope that he isn't mad at me...

I went near the gym and I found him walking. I went up to him. His face hurt me. He looked so depressed, and I knew that it was all my fault.

"I'm... sorry about what happened," I apologized. His face didn't change.

"Why would you do that Vivvy?! After everything he did to you!" Ashton yelled.

"I... didn't want them to know..." my voice went quiet as he walked closer to me. He narrowed his eyes.

"Listen Vivvy. He provoked me. He kept trying to piss me off, and he said a ton of weird things. He got really violent when he found out that we were dating..."

Sounds like something Edgar would do. Everyone in the school knows that we're dating, but I didn't know that the news would reach Edgar that quickly.

"But... you hurt him so much. Did he really provoke you to that point?" I quietly asked. We both went silent.

"Vivvy. Yes. He did. I hate Edgar. And seeing you with him drives me insane. I'm worried that he'll do something to you."

"But I doubt that he could've done anything in that state-"

"Vivvy, I'm being serious. You don't know what he's capable of."

Hearing him say that sent chills through my body. I've... seen what he's done. Yet I still helped him..

"I'm sorry Ashton. I'm really sorry," I apologized again.

He glared at me blankly as he let out a loud sigh and crossed his arms.

"Honestly, I don't know if I can believe you."

My eyes widened at what he just said. I started sweating.

"I mean. Him? Out of all people, you side with him? Don't you realize how much that hurt me?! One of my friends or teammates could've helped him. You know that, right?" Ashton grimly said.

I looked down at the floor feeling remorseful for what I've done. I didn't think about how my actions could've affected Ashton.. Well, I did, but I didn't think it through enough. He leaned closer to me, "Let's... just walk home together. We can talk about it while we're walking."

I nodded in agreement. I really messed up, and I have to take responsibility for my actions. I tried to keep my composure as we discussed the situation once again.

"I didn't think that it would've affected you this badly. If it did, then I wouldn't have done it. Trust me," I explained.

He gave me an incredulous look. Just believe me Ashton! I'm being serious.

"Listen, after what Edgar did, it should've been blatantly obvious how I felt. Or are you that oblivious to my feelings?" Ashton replied in an annoyed tone. "If you're trying to make me jealous, then great. You did."

"I'm not trying to make you jealous. I know that you like me-"

"Then why go to Edgar?"

I went silent. Did I want to make Ashton jealous...? I felt like crying, but that would only make the situation worse. Flashbacks of what happened earlier today spun through my head as I froze in place.

"Exactly. You know, you were the one who mentioned trust and how I should trust you. Then all of a sudden, you go acting like this. It's confusing as hell!"

I was speechless. What made me even more speechless was the fact that he was so calm and collected. I... didn't know what to say. I can't argue with him. He's right...

"Oh look. We're at your house," he stopped walking and I turned to look at the exterior of my house.

I took one final glance at him and turned away. I felt a wave of guilt rush over my head. It felt like... I broke our trust, and broke our relationship. Like I ruined everything. He reassuringly put his hand on my shoulder.

"Vivvy, I'm not mad at you. I'm just... really disappointed in what you did," Ashton stated.

I couldn't stand being another second near him. I don't hate Ashton, but the feeling of him hating me hurts. It feels like I'm being squashed by the weight of my actions. It is not, a pleasant feeling. I open the front door, stepped inside, and shut the door in Ashton's face; not because I hated him, but because seeing his face makes me realize how much of a bad person I am.

I'm sorry Ashton.

I'm really, sorry.

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