Chapter 18: Wake Up! (Vivvy)

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Why can't I open my eyes...?

It's the morning... I know it. I try to open my eyes, but all I see is darkness...

Is this a dream...?



It's not.

I got up and I felt something on my eyes.

Was it... a blindfold...?

As I was about to take it off, I felt a pair of hands violently grab my arm. They pinned me down to the bed.

"What the-"

I was confused at who it was. Was it my mom...? But she should've been off to work. Plus, she would never act violent with me. She won't even hug me without my permission first.

"Good morning Vivvy!!!"

That voice...!

Panic immediately rushed through me. I couldn't believe that HE was here.

"E-Edgar?! What are you doing here?!"

"Just wanted to wake you up! You were sleeping so soundly... and peacefully..."

He was watching me sleep?! A psycho he is...! Where was my mom?!

"What did you do to my mom?!" I yelled.

"Hm? I didn't do anything to her. I'm not that cruel you know."

I couldn't see him since the blindfold was still on me. I went crazy as I tried to make him loosen his grip on my wrists. To make matters worse, he was on top of me, so I could barely move.

"GET OFF OF ME!! LET ME GO!" I shrieked.

But no matter what I did, he didn't let go of me. I was trying to fight him off, but his grip on my wrist only tightened more and it was extremely painful. I tried screaming for help, but I knew that it was pointless, yet I still shouted for my life. Edgar then covered my mouth while still grasping my wrists.

"Wow, you're really energetic this morning!" he commented.

His grip softened and I immediately got up and took off my blindfold. I noticed that my wrists were red, but that's not even the shocking part. My eyes broadened at what I saw around me. I wasn't in my room, not even my own house! I was in Edgar's room! I was praying that this was some nightmare, and that my mom would wake me up. I looked at Edgar, who was sitting on the edge of his bed, smiling.

"Happy now?" he asked.

I gave him a death stare, in which he just laughed in return.

"Please don't look at me like that Vivvy. Anyways, remember this place? I told you not to come in here! But you did either way... haha. Well, since you slept so soundly, the sleeping pills must've worked like a charm," he smirked. "How are you feeling?"

I was furious, "You used sleeping pills on me?!"

"Maybe," he replied.

I sat there trembling while he just smiled to himself. I still felt groggy even after all that shouting... he shifted closer to me and glared at me.

"I can't believe that you would date Ashton. Listen, he's not a great guy."

He's one to talk. I'm tired of him constantly making fun of Ashton.

"You're one to talk! You're the one who's not great!" I argued. "Let me out of here!"

I was about to get up, but he grabbed my ankle.

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