Chapter 3: Excluded (Vivvy)

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I almost reached school when I suddenly felt someone tap the top of my head. I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey Vivi!! Guess who's back?!"

I turned around to see my best friend, Genevieve Anderson, smiling vivaciously at me.

"Sorry that I wasn't here yesterday. I wasn't feeling too well. However, I'm all better now!" she apologized with her smile still remaining intact.

"I'm glad that you're feeling better," I replied with a smile.

Genevieve put her hand on my back and looked at me sorrowfully.

"I feel guilty for leaving you alone... I hope that you weren't too lonely," Genevieve said.

"It was fine," I responded. I was lonely but I didn't mind it.

The both of us entered the school and roamed around the halls. Genevieve and I were together the whole time. She was one of the friends I had that would actually engage in a conversation with me. However, she has other friends, so I'm not always with her.

One of her friends, Jacqueline Sawyer, came up to Genevieve and gave her a hug.

"Oh my god you're back!!" Jacqueline shouted in excitement.

Jacqueline noticed me and waved at me while still hugging Genevieve. For some reason, Genevieve didn't hug Jacqueline back and she remained silent.

The two of them walked together and socialized while I followed behind them in utter silent. Jacqueline didn't bother to include me in her little conversation with Genevieve, but it's not like I want to talk to Jacqueline. She doesn't have a good reputation, and I don't enjoy being around her.

Once we reached our class, Jacqueline said goodbye to me and Genevieve. Genevieve and I were both in the same class, so Jacqueline had to walk alone to her class.

"I didn't miss anything important right?" Genevieve asked as she was tying her brown hair into a low ponytail.

"No. We didn't really do anything," I said.

She sighed and opened the door, "Let's go."

Once class was over, Genevieve tapped on my desk with her pencil.

"Wanna go to the stairwell? Let's eat lunch there. It's usually empty," she invited.

I agreed, and the both of us left the class. Genevieve and I would normally head to the stairwell to eat lunch. It was the go to place for the two of us in high school, and even back in middle school.

We were about 6 metres away from the stairwell when we both saw three heads on the other side of the glass door. The stairwell was not empty and it was occupied with three other boys. The both of us sighed simultaneously.

"Well, there's always next time," Genevieve tried to stay optimistic.

Since we couldn't eat at the stairwell, we decided to head someplace else. We were discussing where to eat when we stumbled upon someone.

Dark brown hair and green eyes.

I remember that face.

"Vivi!" Edgar happily shouted from across the corridor.

Edgar ran to me with a big smile on his face. His eyes were glistening, and they were green like emeralds. He gave me a hug, but pulled away quickly. I was wondering why he was acting so nervous, but I knew right away once I turned to look at Genevieve. She was staring at him coldly with her icy blue eyes. Although she wasn't staring at me, the look in her eyes was enough to send shivers down my spine.

"Who is this?" he quietly asked.

"This is Genevieve. She's my best friend. Genevieve, this is Edgar," I introduced Genevieve to Edgar.

Genevieve plastered a fake smile on her face and crossed her arms.

"Uh, listen. 'Vivi' is my nickname for Vivvy. Who do you think you are to just, call her that, or to hug her?!" Genevieve snarled.

My eyes widened as Genevieve said those things to Edgar.

"Um. I-I'm sorry..." Edgar stuttered as he turned away and left.

Genevieve still stared at him coldly as he walked away, obviously feeling hurt. I looked at Genevieve in disbelief. I couldn't believe that she acted so harshly to him. She leaned close to my ear.

"Isn't that that one weird kid back in middle school?" Genevieve whispered.

I shook my head in disagreement. Genevieve sighed and put her hands on my shoulder and gave me a serious look.

"Listen Vivi, I have no clue how you haven't caught on this yet, but that kid is bad news. I have a premonition. I mean, doesn't he seem strange?" Genevieve said.

"No he's not strange. I just met him, and you just met him. You shouldn't be so quick to judge," I defended.

Genevieve sighed, "I'm just warning you. Just, be careful around him."

She sat down on the floor and seemed pissed off, "We're eating here."

Genevieve has never acted this way. I'm sure that Edgar is a nice person. I'm worried about him. He's probably a sensitive person based on how he handled the situation. I couldn't just sit around knowing that this has gone wrong. I stood up and went to look for Edgar. Genevieve tugged at my skirt.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Genevieve shouted.

"I'm going to look for Edgar!" I yelled as I began to run in the hallway.

"This is ridiculous! At least come back when you find him!" Genevieve complained.

I ran through the hall trying to look for Edgar. I checked every nook and cranny of the school until I eventually found him. He was in the stairwell. The three boys have left and Edgar was sitting there, staring at the wall. I opened the glass door and shut it behind me.

"Vivvy..." he quietly said.

"You can call me Vivi. I don't mind," I replied.

I took a seat next to him. This was similar to when we first met.

"Why did you come to me?" Edgar asked while staring at the floor.

"Because... I was worried about you. Genevieve isn't always like this. I don't know why she acted like that. She's a nice person. Really," I softly spoke. I didn't want Edgar to think of Genevieve badly. It's all a misunderstanding.

Edgar's eyes sparkled under the lights and a smiled creased the sides of his lips.

"I believe you Vivi. I saw her being nice to you back in middle school. I guess that, she doesn't really like me..." Edgar's voice has gotten quiet. "But thank you for coming to me. I'm...really happy that you did."

I blushed a bit and looked at the ground. It's been a while since anyone told me that I made them happy.

"I should get going now. Genevieve is waiting for me," I quickly got up and scurried to the door.

"Bye!" Edgar waved at me.

I shut the glass door and walked to where Genevieve was.

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