Chapter 11: I Need You! (Vivvy)

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Edgar's mouth dropped open as he saw Ashton's devastated expression. I immediately ran to Ashton with tears in my eyes. I spotted Edgar trying to grab my hand to stop me, but he failed.



As I ran to Ashton, I ended up falling because I was still sore from when Edgar threw me against the wall. Even walking was painful and a hindrance. The first thing I noticed was Ashton's look of relief, and utter shock. I clung onto his leg like a child as he kneeled down to look at me.

"I'm so glad that I found you Vivvy! I was looking everywhere for you!" he anxiously said. Ashton saw that I was trembling, and gently held my hand while pulling me closer to him. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get here sooner. You must've been so scared..." his voice cracked a little.

I became calmer as I realized that I wasn't alone. However, I couldn't stay completely serene since Edgar was still here. He was furious and looked at Ashton with pure disdain and contempt.

"Don't you fucking touch her!!!" Edgar angrily shouted.

Edgar was about to punch him, but Ashton defended himself and ended up punching Edgar. Ashton's punch probably had a big impact on Edgar because he didn't get up and just sat on the floor in a foul mood. Edgar's face was slightly red and bruised.

"Why Vivvy...? WHY ARE YOU GOING TO HIM?! He's an asshole..! I'm way better than him! Why can't you understand that?!" he shrieked.

"Listen, I don't know what the hell you did to her, but you better leave Vivvy the fuck alone. Can't you tell that she's suffering?!" Ashton sternly defended.

"The only reason why she's suffering is because YOU'RE HERE. Vivvy, please come back to me..."

Edgar kept pleading for me to go back to him as he was crying on the floor; bawling his eyes out while on his knees. Out of desperation, he took my hand and held it in his, proceeding to plead some more as if I would change my mind if he did that. I was so tired and exhausted from hearing Edgar beg, so I slapped him across the face so that he would stop. He stared at me in agony and shock as I tried to get up with Ashton's help. I turned to Edgar, who was bruised and in pain; emotionally and physically. His eyes looked at me in jealousy and sorrow.

"Edgar, just... leave me alone...! I don't want to see you ever again!" I yelled.

He looked at the floor, bewildered at my response, "Why... won't you like me Vivvy?! Is it because I'm younger than you?! Is it because I'm shorter than Ashton?! Why?! I... I did everything! I was there for you! And I always will be! You can't just leave me! I need you! I did everything I could to help you! Unlike Ashton!"

All of a sudden, Ashton lifted me up and whispered into my ear, "We're leaving now okay? There's no point in arguing with him. He just won't listen."

Ashton carried me easily and I held onto him tightly. Looking at him up close made me realize how much charisma he has. Ashton looked at Edgar with contempt.

"You did everything huh? Well, one thing you didn't do was make her happy. We're leaving," Ashton bolted out the door leaving Edgar astounded.

"YOU CAN'T TAKE HER AWAY YOU ASSHOLE!!" Edgar exclaimed in anger.

I held onto Ashton as he ran downstairs. Looking back, I saw Edgar's angered and exasperated expression. Realizing that he couldn't be reasoned or dealt with, I looked away and shut my eyes for a bit. Slight tears welled up in my eyes, but closing them shut prevented the tears from falling down my face.

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