Chapter 12 II (Vivvy)

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I was surprised when I saw Ashton standing outside my bedroom door. He looked and probably felt as surprised as I was.

"You can come in," I said. "And close the door too."

He stepped into my room and quietly shut the door behind him. He dropped his bag on the floor and sat next to me on my bed. I didn't know he was coming, and I couldn't look him in the eye. I stared at my blanket and remained silent.

"Why weren't you at school? It's been a week Vivvy. Everyone's worried..." he sadly said.

I was confounded at how long I've been staying at home, "It's... been a week?" I meekly asked.

Ashton looked really concerned. He put a hand on my shoulder and softened his voice, "I've been worried about you... I've texted you, and I even asked Genevieve how you were doing, but she didn't know anything. Vivvy, you can't keep isolating yourself here."

I averted my gaze towards the floor in guilt. I didn't know what to say. Ashton looked at me, obviously wanting me to reply.

"But... Edgar's at school isn't he? And everyone probably knows what happened-"

"No one knows what happened, Vivvy."

I froze.

"Edgar is at school, but I'm sure that he won't do anything-"

"NO! He will! I don't want to see him..."

I buried my face in my hands. Just thinking about seeing him makes me tremble. Who knows what he'll do when he sees me again... Ashton must've noticed that I was shaking because he gently patted my head and took the blanket off.

"Vivvy, you won't see him. I'll make sure that he won't bother you okay?" Ashton's voice was so calming. It made me feel so relaxed and safe.

"Thank you Ashton. I'm... so glad that you came to see me," I smiled for the first time in a while.

I got a little too comfortable, and ended up resting my head on his shoulder. However, I immediately got up because... it was weird. Why did I even think of doing that? I didn't want to make Ashton uncomfortable. Because of that, I made things a little awkward between the two of us. Great. We ended up just sitting in silence together. Although it was awkward, I enjoyed being with Ashton.

Just then, my bedroom door opened and I saw someone unexpected at the door. She instantly ran to me and hugged me tightly. It startled me and I ended up falling back on my bed.

"I'm so glad that you're alright Vivvy..." Genevieve's voice was frail, and she had tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Vivvy. For everything. I..."

She was crying a lot. Her tears covered my shirt and I hugged her back firmly. I wasn't expecting her to be here because of the way she acted back then, but I'm really, really happy, that she came. I felt a waterfall of tears emerge from behind my eyes. How long has it been since I last hugged her like this? It's been... forever.

"Why are you here Genevieve?" I asked as she pulled away and smiled in relief.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. But I guess that I should've came at a different time. I didn't know that Ashton would be here," she replied.

Ashton chuckled, "Oh it's fine. I kind of have to go now. You two have fun."

He got up, picked up his bag, and left my room. Genevieve moved to where Ashton was sitting and crossed her legs. A smirked formed across her mouth.

"Sooo, what's the deal with you and Ashton?" she asked in a flirty tone.

I blushed at her question, "Nothing. He saved me from Edgar, and he's just being nice. Nothing special."

Her eyes broadened at my response, "Wow, your Prince saved you. It's a scene out of a fairy tale, or even a romance novel!"

I felt a little more light-hearted now that Genevieve's here with me. Her mood changed instantaneously as she stared at the floor dejectedly.

"Hey, I... really shouldn't have treated you that way. You must've had such a hard time. You didn't come to school in a week, and you were just, alone.. I really wasn't feeling alright either. I'm so sorry Vivvy. I was a terrible friend..."

I rested my head on her shoulder. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she's really sorry. And... I do forgive her. She apologized, even though it was my ignorance and incredulity that was the cause of the problem. You know, I've always wondered what I've done to deserve Genevieve. She's been here for me since middle school, and even after all of this drama, she's still willing to put up with me. I'm thankful that I met her.

"I forgive you Genevieve."

She smiled.

I smiled.

"Anyways, enough of this sentimental shit. Let's get back to Ashton! How exactly do you feel about him? I noticed you two getting close," Genevieve asked.

How I feel about Ashton? My face went warm as I tucked my hair behind my ear, "I-I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know?! He's done a lot for you! Surely you feel something for him," Genevieve teased.

I was blushing intensely as I questioned how I felt. My heart throbbed just thinking about him. I didn't feel this way before... I don't know how to react...! Genevieve looked at me and smiled.

"So, you do like him. Don't you?"

I moved away from Genevieve as thoughts about me and Ashton spun through my head, "N-no. I don't like him!"

She laughed from joy and shifted closer to me, putting her hand on my thigh, "YOU DO! OH MY GOD! You finally like someone!"

I felt embarrassed, but I also... liked being paired up with Ashton. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me.

The way he would make me laugh, the way he would smile, the way I felt so safe next to him... it was truly romantic, and it felt so good.

"I mean... I guess that I do..." my voice trailed off as I had an epiphany. I really do like Ashton. I never would've thought that I would develop feelings for him. However, I really want to be with him. I want to hold hands, hug him, rest my head on his shoulder, and even.. kiss him. I want to do a ton of things with him.

Genevieve was ecstatic and she couldn't sit still. She got up and started walking around my room while smiling, "Haha! I'm happy for you! You better tell me everything that happens with him! Oh and, I can give you relationship advice!" She held both of my hands, "And I can ship you guys in public!"

It was funny seeing her act like this because I don't think it's that big of a deal, "I'm glad that you're happy, but... we don't even know if he likes me back."

She looked at me like I was dumb and crazy, "Vivvy, are you blind, or just stupid? Or both? He's OBVIOUSLY into you! First he walks you home, then saves you from that psycho, and he even shows up at your house to see if you're okay! And you think he DOESN'T like you?!"

She has a point. He acts like he's into me. I'm sure that he likes me. But, there's a part of me that's still doubting that he does... Genevieve puts her hands on my shoulders with a grin plastered from the corners of her mouth.

"You should ask him out tomorrow!" suggested Genevieve.

"What?! NO! It's too early-"

"It's never, too early. He's been into you FOREVER! You were just too damn blind to notice!" Genevieve shouted.

I sighed loudly, "Fine I'll just, see if I can tomorrow..."

She smirked at me.

"Good luck Ms.Carlton."

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