Chapter 3 III (Vivvy)

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She wasn't there. Did she come looking for me? I figured that she got tired of waiting and left to go to her other friends such as Jacqueline. Honestly, I just don't understand why Genevieve would hang out with a girl like her. Jacqueline is rude to everyone, and she thinks that she's all high and mighty. I can't believe that anyone would even look in her direction or even breathe the same air as her.

Wait, is it because I'm jealous? What's there to be jealous of? Is that why I hate Jacqueline? I can't help but notice that she's really pretty despite her being a loathsome person. But that's besides the point.

Those thoughts spun through my head like a carousel. I was constantly overthinking and contemplating. I decided to sit down on the cold floor and eat my lunch while waiting for Genevieve to come back.

The silence in the halls fed my overthinking, yet the silence was so soothing and peaceful to my ears. It's like a double edged sword.

Just then, the silence was interrupted by the sound of hurried, panicked footsteps from around the corner. There, I saw Genevieve. Her brown hair flowing in her face as she ran towards me in a cold sweat. I rushed to her side immediately.

"Genevieve...?! What happened?!" I exclaimed.

She panted and tucked her hair behind her ears. What happened to her?! She sat down on her knees and placed her hands gently on my shoulders. I felt panicked.

"Vivvy, you have to listen to me," she spoke in a gentle, soft tone.

Vivvy huh? It must be something serious. I was confused, but still nodded.

"That boy... what's his name again...? Actually, it doesn't matter. YOU SHOULDN'T BE HANGING OUT WITH HIM!! He's... he's a psycho! He's dangerous!" she shouted.

I'm assuming that she was talking about Edgar. I believe that Edgar isn't a bad person, but the fearful look in her eyes made me question everything.

"You mean Edgar...? What did he do?" I quietly asked.

She began to tell me everything. I...I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I... don't even know what to believe anymore. How did this all happen in less than a week? I mean, Edgar having obsessive feelings for me??

I was reluctant to believe Genevieve. If Edgar really did plan something mischievous, then why would he reveal his true colours to Genevieve this early?

"Are you sure...?" I incredulously asked. "I literally just met him."

"Vivvy, I'm being serious right now. He is not normal," Genevieve's voice was getting serious.

"Just... give it more time. He's not what you think he is. He's really nice," I defended.

Genevieve sighed loudly and leaned on the wall.

"Fine. But don't come crying to me when something bad happens," she sternly said.

I felt a sharp pain pierce my chest as she spoke those words. It felt as though she was tired of me, or that she's given up on me. She got up slowly and averted her gaze.

"Since when did you start trusting other people over me...? I've known you for 3 years. I just want the best for you..." she quietly spoke.

After giving me one quick glance, she walked away from me. Her figure slowly got further and further away. I didn't want to yell at her because the hall was starting to fill up.

What have I done wrong?

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