Chapter 4 II (Ashton)

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I was walking home alone. I don't think that I apologized to Vivvy properly. Actually, she seemed fine with that apology. I shouldn't overdo it. While I was walking, I suddenly heard harried footsteps emerge behind me. I turned around to see... Edgar? Wasn't he with Vivvy?

"Ashton," he said.

I looked at him and awkwardly smiled, "Um hi. Can I help you?"

Edgar walked up to me with that creepy smile. He has this ominous air surrounding him.

"Do you have time to talk?" asked Edgar.

The tone of his voice was different. Usually, his voice is high pitched and all happy with Vivvy. However, his voice is deeper, and serious right now.

"Yeah I can talk. What's up?" I reluctantly agreed. "Oh and, aren't you supposed to be with Vivvy?"

He laughed a little, "She wanted to go visit Genevieve, but it's weird that you'd ask that. Didn't you mention that you didn't want me to be around her?"

Huh...? Edgar knew about that? But how? Did Vivvy tell him? No. She wouldn't do that... right? Edgar walked closer to me and stared at me. He's actually so weird.

"I heard your conversation with Vivvy earlier today," he creepily said as my eyes widened in shock. He smirked and giggled quietly to himself.

"How'd you know?!" I shouted.

"Haha. I like your reactions more than Genevieve's. All she shouts is profanity," he laughed.

Instinctively, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to my face and yelled at him, "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!"

"Alright alright, chill out and let go of me!" he playfully replied. I let him go as he began to explain himself.

"You see, whenever the bell rings, I follow Vivvy to make sure that she gets to class safely. Since you took her away from me, I followed the both of you and overheard your little conversation about me," he explained.

I was livid. I was right about Edgar. He's always clinging onto Vivvy like a magnet, and honestly, it's annoying me. Seeing him and her together annoys me more.

"Hm? What? Cat got your tongue?" Edgar teased.

"Shut up. What are you planning on doing with Vivvy?!" I asked.

"Hmm.. I just want to get close to her. That's all," he responded and leaned closer to me. "What? Do you like her or something?"

I paused for a bit, about to answer, until he interrupts me.

"Actually, there's no need to answer that. You like her. Don't you?"

He pushed me aggressively to the ground and stared menacingly into me.

"You'll never get a chance with her, you hear me? You're not even all that. Vivvy doesn't deserve to be with you."

He grabbed my shirt and kept that same menacing, psychotic look.

"Only I can be with Vivvy. Only I can love her. Only I can stay with her. I love her... she's mine."

He kept repeating those lines to me as I just stared in horror and confusion. He even let go of me and at this point, he was pretty much talking to himself. He's not even weird or creepy, he's beyond that. A psycho, a lunatic even...

"What is wrong with you...?" I couldn't even look at him. He creepily smiled.

"Don't try and seduce her, or flirt with her. Things will not end well," he threatened.

Edgar got up and dusted off his clothes. He gave me a friendly look and completely changed his demeanour.

"Oh and, don't bother trying to convince Vivvy to stay away from me. I mean, you already saw what happened," Edgar softly smiled. "But... you're cool. Way better than Genevieve.."

His smile faded slowly, "Just kidding. You're not cool. And since you like Vivvy, that makes you a terrible person in my eyes."

He was just, crazy.

"Shut up! Your voice irritates me," I argued.

Edgar laughed uncontrollably, "Same! I hate you, and your voice! Well then, see ya."

"Hold on a sec, where are you going?!" I shouted.

"Home obviously," he said in an annoyed tone.

Edgar then walked away, in a good mood. I can't believe him. I would love to tell Vivvy about this, but he's right sadly. She'll probably end up hating me.

That psycho...

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