Chapter 13: Misconception (Vivvy)

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With newfound motivation, I got up and got dressed for school. I was excited to see Genevieve, mainly because we restored our friendship. Plus, things are slowly getting back to normal. My bruise has mostly cleared up, and I'm kind of shocked that Ashton and Genevieve didn't notice. Well, I wore a shirt that covered the bruise, so it makes sense.

While walking downstairs, I noticed a certain someone sitting on my living room couch. She tucked her brown hair behind her ear and smiled at me.

"Good morning Vivvy!" Genevieve shouted energetically.

She was here at my house this early in the morning?! It was surprising because she's never done this, but I felt energetic now that she's here.

"Good morning!" I greeted back with a smile.

She got up and put her arm around my shoulder, "Happy to see that you're back to normal."

The two of us walked to school together. Genevieve decided for us to walk together so that I don't bump into Edgar alone. I am... very fortunate to have a friend like Genevieve. She plans on doing this everyday, and I didn't even ask or mention anything about this. I can't believe that I doubted her this whole time...

At school, almost everyone asked where I was the whole week. They were all worried and they were, really nosy too. I lied and said that I was sick. It's a good thing that everyone believed me. I'm sure that they were expecting some big news, but there was no way that I was telling everyone about what really happened. News like that would spread like wildfire throughout the school. It would definitely not end well.

Today, Genevieve walked me to all of my classes, even if we didn't have the same class. I snuck glances at Ashton, and I noticed him doing the same thing. Especially in our math class since we're in it together. I kept smiling to myself about it, and Genevieve kept teasing me.

"Wow, you like him more than I thought," she teased. "You're smiling so brightly. It's great to see you so happy."

I covered my mouth in embarrassment as Genevieve leaned on my desk.

"Remember what I said yesterday: Don't forget to ask him!" she put her hand on my shoulder.

I bursted out laughing and saw a few students turn their heads to look at me, "Alright alright! I know! You don't have to remind me!"

Throughout the day, we kept making eye contact. However, we both didn't talk to each other. The only interaction we had today was us waving at each other. I waved at him in the hall, and he waved back. Although it was a quick moment, it made my heart pound. I couldn't wait to confess my feelings to him. I want to see him blush, and say that he feels the same way...

Right when the bell rang after school, I decided to tell Ashton that I liked him. My heart was fluttering and I was feeling ecstatic as I was walking down the hall. I didn't know where Ashton was, but I knew that he was in the school. Today he didn't have basketball practice which makes this a perfect opportunity.

I stumbled upon an empty classroom and just as I walked past it, I heard Ashton's voice from inside. What was he doing in there? I walked quietly towards the classroom door and was about to open it, when I suddenly heard another voice.

"You're so nice Ashton. I... really like you..."

It was a girl's voice. A voice that I recognized...! I looked through the glass window on the door and my heart dropped; on the verge of shattering into pieces.

I saw Ashton, with his back facing the door, leaning on a desk. And I saw Jacqueline Sawyer, wrapping her arms around him while he just stares at the floor. "He was into you for a long time" my ass. That's bullshit! I couldn't stand seeing them together for another second. I left immediately.

I'm not confessing to him after seeing him like that.

I don't care.

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