Chapter 10: My Eyes Are on You (Vivvy)

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A few days have past, and now, I'm feeling paranoid. Really paranoid. I've been distancing myself away from Edgar, but the more I'm away from him, the closer he feels.

Today's the day where I confront Edgar. I hope that by confronting him, I'll probably be able to relax and release my stress. It's been hard to concentrate, and if this continues, I'll lose my mind for sure. I mean, I'm already losing my mind as it is.

I decided to confront Edgar after school. I should tell him about what I saw in his room and what people said about him. I just want my life to go back to normal. I'm going insane.

I saw Edgar walking alone down the hallway. Although I was a little scared, I quietly approached him and greeted him. He looked at me innocently with his bright eyes, and waved at me. Despite him being all smiles and enthusiasm, I looked at him sorrowfully.

I... trusted Edgar. I really did. However, I can't trust him anymore. After what I saw, there's no way that I'll ever be trusting him. The truth will be revealed.

"Edgar, I need to talk to you..."

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, puzzled at my sudden invitation, but agreed to talk. I made him follow me into an empty classroom so that no one could interrupt us. Whilst in the classroom, I looked at him, wondering what could've possibly happened to him. I still don't understand why he's so obsessed with me. I'm not popular, or anything great. I've already told him that people ignore me and leave me, so why...?

"Edgar... do you like me?" I quietly asked. I noticed the immediate change in expression. His eyes widened and his voice went deep.

"Why are you asking me that?" he questioned.

I gulped and took a deep breath. I have to do this. I proceeded to explain what I saw.

"Well, some people say things about you. They said that... you were obsessed with me. And trust me, I-I didn't believe them at first. But... after a while, I started believing them. I mean, I-I saw the book in your room-"

"So that's why you came huh?" Edgar interrupted. I stared at him in dead silence as he stepped closer to me. "You've changed, Vivvy."

The look in his eyes was enough to send chills through me. He was no longer that "happy" or "warm" Edgar. He was completely different...

"You're the one who changed Edgar..." I looked down.

He laughed to himself and smirked, "Me? Change? Look at yourself. You're trembling in fear just because I'm in front of you. I don't get it. I'm completely fine. It's you that's different."

His stare pierced through me like he could read my mind. I began to shriek, "You don't get it? I'm the one who doesn't get it! WHY do you like me? WHY did you pretend to be good Edgar?! You hid so many things from me, and you tried to ruin everything! I lost my friendship with Genevieve because of you! You lied to me! You tried to make people I care about disappear. You-"

Edgar put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a look of distress, "Vivvy, I am good. It's the people around you that are making me seem like the bad guy. You have to trust me. I mean, we're friends aren't we?"

I aggressively pushed him away from me. He tripped over some desks and chairs and fell to the ground. I glared at him in horror.

"We aren't friends. We were never friends. I only became friends with you because of pity. I hate you! I've always hated you!!" I was losing my mind as I kept shouting that I hated him. Edgar was left astounded on the classroom floor.

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