20 - Again

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Indicators for the chatper:

Y/N = Your Name
C.O.D = Cookies Of Darkness
F/M/B = Front, Middle or Back
Y/C = Your Class
Y/T/O = Your Training Outfit
Y/W = Your Weapon

No one's POV

It has been two weeks since the failed mission of trying to spy on the kingdom that belonged to Gingerbrave and his team, and during that time, the C.O.D has gone into heavy planning on doing the spying once again, but this time being more careful than the last time.
And this time, everyone but Enchantress was going to be going on the mission. During the planning, they all agreed that they would choose five out of the seven members that were going to be engaged in combat, if any were to occur, and for the other two members to run back to the castle with whatever information the team had gathered up. The five members that were chosen to fight were, of course, all the elder members, being Dark Choco, Red Velvet, Pomegranate, Licorice and Y/N. The team had decided that since Mushroom and Crepe were younger, they would be able to run and hide faster since they both had incredible speed and were both small as well.

As they were planning this all out, they also had supplies readied by the servants, and even managed to squeeze in some training as well during those two weeks.
The C.O.D wanted this plan to go well, because their plans have been being ruined time and time again by the enemy team, causing a multitude of their plans to be set back or interrupted almost non-stop. But this time, the C.O.D would be the one causing plans to be ruined or to be set back.

Licorice's POV

"Hey, do we have the cameras and everything ready, Velvet?"
"I don't know, I thought Crepe was the one dealing with that."
"Well I can't find them, so that's why I'm asking you."
"They said they were going to be in the study room getting papers and stuff pulled together for the mission."

I sigh, rubbing my face. "Thank you Velvet." I mumble out, turning around and start walking to the study room. I hear Velvet say, 'Your welcome', before leaving the room. Thankfully it was a short walk to the room, so when I got there I knocked on the door, hearing Crepe yell out, "Who is it?" "It's me Crepe, I need to ask you about the cameras and stuff." I responded, then the door opened and slammed onto the wall. It was one of the robots Crepe had made, which turned around and went over to a file drawer. "Come on in!" Crepe yelled again, being on a ladder and looking through scrolls and other things. I walk in and close the door, looking around at the piles of scrolls, books and files on the tables and grounds. "What are you even doing in here?" I ask, picking up one of the files, but not opening it. "I'm trying to study up on Gingerbrave and them, just in case me and Mushroom get caught by them!" Crepe says, moving onto a balcony, still not realizing that there was a small pile of a specific member that was out in the open on the table to my right. I look over to it, and snort, causing the eleven-year-old to look over at me.

"What?" They asked, still not realizing their mistake yet. "Are you sure it's on Gingerbrave and the others, or just the little blonde kid?" I say, pointing the files out.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD NO THERE'S MORE FILES OF THE OTHERS UNDER THOSE ONES I SWEAR-!" Crepe immediately screeched out, their face going beet red. I burst into laughter, and dodged Crepe's attempts to hit me with a book and respond with, "Y/N wasn't wrong hahahah!" "SHUT UP!" Crepe yelled again, going even more red. I laugh some more and keep dodging the books being tossed at me, eventually calming down and telling them, "Alright alright, I'm done laughing." All Crepe does is lower their arm, and let the book go which hits the ground with a thud and huffs, their face still being red. "Again, are the cameras and all that ready to go?" I asked once more, leaning onto a table. "Yes. All of that is in my room, I'll be pulling it out when we go on the mission." Crepe replied. "Ok, Enchantress wanted me to make sure." I added, getting off the table. "Well tell her that I said it's all ready, I always make sure I have everything electronic related up to date and ready." Crepe claimed, turning back around and kept shuffling through the papers. I nod and say, "Good to know. I'll leave you to work now." and turn around, leaving the study room.

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