32 - The Deal

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-Indicators for this chapter-

Y/N - Your name

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

No one's POV

It was chaotic in Gingerbrave and his friends' kingdom.
Everyone was in full panic due to the attack that had happened with the C.O.D, and the fact that Custard had been taken as well.

It was three days after the attack had gone by, and the crew of four still could not find out why the C.O.D would have taken the child in the first place. As they sat in the meeting room within the castle, the discussion between the four of them went on as this;
"We have to find out why the hell Enchantress would have taken him, or find him!"
Chilli yelled, throwing one of her daggers into a target that was on the wall, seething in anger. "We know Chilli, but we must stay calm and collected right now! It is the best way to go if we want to find Custard sooner!" Wizard responded, sitting in one of the many chairs that surrounded the table that sat in the meeting room, his leg bouncing up and down in a nervous state. Right away the two went to bickering, leaving Gingerbrave and Strawberry to sit in their seats and listen, until Gingerbrave interrupted the fight with, "BOTH OF YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!"

Silence hit the room, the three people looking at Gingerbrave in shock. Never once had he cussed in front of them, in fact, he would never say anything close to curse words unless it was 'heck', 'dangit', 'shoot', etc. The young teenager inhaled deeply and exhaled, taking both of his hands and burying them into his face as he mumbled out, "You two fighting it not helping the situation, and I'm trying to think right now, so please, just shut up." Gingerbrave then sank into his chair, leaving one hand on his face still as the other gripped onto the arm of the seat. As he went to remove his hand from his face, he felt himself be pulled into a hug by Strawberry, who said, "G-Ginger's right, fighting's not helping.." The hooded girl paused, then continued with, "But Wizard is also right Chill, we need to stay calm right now or else we won't be able to find Custard. I'm not trying to side with anyone, b-but I-"
"I get it Strawberry, and yeah.. You're all right. I'm just worried about the little dude, and what's going on with him right now." Chilli interrupted, letting out a frustrated sigh as she walked over to the target and pulled out her dagger, shoving it back into its holder that was on her belt.

Strawberry nodded, letting go of Gingerbrave and sat back down in her seat.
"We all are, everyone in the kingdom is." Wizard stated, pushing some of his hair to the side, "We have to wait though, because Enchantress is probably going to be using Custard as a means of ransom for something most likely. She would have no other use for Custard if she was just keeping him locked up in a cell." Wizard continued, looking between his friends. "But.. What if she's also going to..?" Strawberry trailed off, not wanting to continue her sentence and thought. " 'Going to' what?" Chilli asked, looking at Strawberry. Strawberry looked to the red-haired women, then looked to the other two before looking back down to the ground, stuttering out, "Wh-What if she makes Custard d-do something he doesn't want to..? Like t-turn on us...?"

All three stop and look at her, then look at each other, realizing she was right. None of them had taken into consideration that Enchantress could also be looking to possibly recruit another member for her team, and that may have been the intention for Custard's kidnapping. "I- She's right you guys! Why didn't we think about this until now?!" Chilli spat out, gripping the sides of her hair with her hands.
"Most likely because we were in shock when Custard was taken, and we were only looking at the bigger picture." Gingerbrave spoke out in a calm tone. Really however, internally he was freaking out just as much as Chilli was. The group of four kept discussing, now looking into the smaller details of why else Enchantress could have taken Custard when fifteen to twenty minutes into doing so, there was a knock on the door.

With a holler, Wizard said, "Come in!"
The door opened, and it was Espresso and Madeleine. "Oh, hello Espresso! What brings you two here?" The white haired boy asked, standing up and grabbing his staff. Before Espresso could speak, Madeleine bursted out, "So sorry to cut you off love, but sir!" The platinum blonde man looked to Gingerbrave, "There's someone who's come to the kingdom gates just now!" "Oh- Is it someone from another kingdom?" Gingerbrave asked, going to stand up. "No- I- How do I say this without alarming any of you-?" Madeleine began to say, when Espresso butted in and said, "There is no way to. What Madeleine is trying to say is that a member from Cookies of Darkness is here." Espresso paused, then continued with, "And, they are claiming to have a way to get the little prince-" "King." Chilli corrected Espresso, in a rather nasty tone. Espresso side glanced at Chilli, smiling bitterly before saying, "The king, back home and safely, but, without Dark Enchantress's knowledge of what is going on."

Instead of silence from the news, the four members started yelling and questioning the couple about this person. After a minute or so, Espresso soon got them all to calm down, then answered their questions with, "We don't really know who the person is, yes, we have confirmed they are a member of the C.O.D, it was actually one you all fought when Custard was taken. The most we know about this person is their combat class, their level of danger, which, is quite high, and that their name is Y/N. What their motives are for bringing back the young king, I have no clue, they won't tell anyone what it is unless they talk to the four of you, which is why me and Madeleine came to get you. We have to bring you four to the cells because that's where we have them held right now, for obvious reasons."

With that being said, the four people calmed down slightly, but not enough. "Take us to them right now." Chilli said, her tone being filled with anger. "As you wish." Espresso said, turning around on his heel and headed out. Right away, Madeleine followed behind him, and soon enough the other four did as well. The six of them traveled through the castle, taking about ten minutes to reach the dungeons that Y/N was in. The group arrived there, Madeleine took a key out and opened the dungeon door. When doing so, a cold wind came through the door and hit all of them, making some shiver. Espresso gave the number cell that Y/N was being held in, and soon, with Espresso and Madeleine staying behind, Gingerbrave and the other three ventured down the steps into the dungeon, going to find and listen to the member that could possibly be the only way to bring their friend home safe and sound.

-Authors note-

Lol, heres your food guys
Hope you all enjoyed, and have a great day/night!

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