Night Out

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7 p.m. in Queens. Ken gets home from work and checks his mail. For some reason he felt hopeful that he'd receive something interesting, yet found nothing but bills. He gets a call from one of his friends after changing out of his work clothes.
"Yo, yo." He answers. "You want me to come tonight?... Alright, but you'll have to pick me up though, my car is still fucking broken. Okay?... I'll see you, deuces." He hangs up and brushes his hair, quickly eats a nectarine "just in case the food there will be ass", he thinks and waits for a text from his friend saying he's ready to pick him up to go out that night.

  Ken receives a text saying to come downstairs. He rushes out, always trying to be punctual. They leave to a restaurant to celebrate one of their friend's engagements. "When will it be my turn?" Ken thinks. "I feel like the fucking crying emoji again. Why does this keep happening to me, man?" He questions, rhetorically.

  At this point, Fade felt like she had gotten a little closer to Viper than anyone had been able to and wanted to be of help with her life and everything. Not feeling obligated, but as a friend, she wanted to quietly keep track on Ken this whole time. He didn't go out like this too often so she jotted it as uncommon behavior. "Just in case I'll tell her", Fade thought as she headed out to Viper. She headed to notify Viper of Ken's outing. Viper was deeply thankful that she now found something to meet him over and quickly issued everyone in the VP to assemble together.
"I know this is unusual but I know you've all been working so tirelessly and I think we should celebrate. You deserve recognition and proper gratitude. And if you won't agree to that, then let's at least go for Jett's recovery. I found a nice restaurant if you'd want to come." Viper told them, with her mask up, trying to hide her embarrassed face. Everyone was stunned by this out-of-character and seemingly unprompted act. Fade immediately understood and nodded at Viper with a smirk. However, everyone obliged so off they went after changing into fancier attire.

  Meanwhile, Ken's party sat around rambunctiously and started to drink. Ken didn't drink regularly but felt it was okay in these situations.
"What the hell? It's a party after all", he said and then downed two shots of whiskey. Simultaneously, as he swallowed the second shot, the Valorant agents walked into the same restaurant. Most of the people inside didn't pay mind to them walking in, but Ken glanced over at the sound of the door chiming, turned back around then almost snapped his neck when turning back around at max speed after he noticed the agents standing there. Viper walked in and made sure to be the middle of her crowd, trying to scout Ken out as fast as she could and avoid being seen at the same time. Standing at 6 feet tall didn't exactly help her case in blending in.
"What the fuck?! Are they all here?" Ken asks himself. Ken recognizes Sova and Phoenix right off the bat, getting up and greeting them excitedly. He sees the rest of the familiar faces and gets introduced to the other members of their crew and notices Viper in the mix of them all, facing away from him. She had spotted him and turned around, her back towards him.
"How do I look?" Viper frantically asked Fade. Fade laughed, put one side of Viper's hair behind her ear and reassured her that she looked fine. After Ken happily greets the other agents, he sees Viper leave to her table, trying to avoid confrontation.
"Hey, Viper!" Ken said proudly. She turned to him.
"Think about old grandmas!" She thought, to eliminate her face's redness.
She cleared her throat and said "Hi. I see you're still alive."
"Haha yeah, thanks to you!" Ken said. "It was cool meeting all your other guys just now. But I was saving the best for last. You look beautiful, too. Wow, honestly." Ken gazed at her, truly mesmerized by what he saw. She was wearing a thin black dress that went down to her thighs with black heels. They added another inch to her height, making her appear 6'1".
"Saying those things... have you no sense of abashment? Hmph. But thank you." Viper replied. She looked Ken up and down. He was wearing a dark blue button-down shirt with small white polka dots and black jeans. He had pointy, suede black dress shoes on too.
"You look nice. A lot better than you did in your work clothes. I'm impressed." Viper added.
"I'm glad you think so." Ken said. "After you finish eating you're welcome to join my friends and I at our table if you'd like."
"I think Sova and Phoenix would rather you join us. You made a good impression on them and they're too outgoing." Viper mentioned. "Looks like everyone loves you already."
"Ah, I'm glad they feel that way. I really like them all. And maybe you most of all." Ken professed. "Think about my offer. If we finish up before yous, I'll drop by, okay?"
"Don't forget us." Viper imparted.
"Let me walk you to your table, at least", Ken said, holding out his hand to her. Viper was shocked. She's never experienced chivalry like this. She put her hand in Ken's and he noticed her sharp green nails and complimented her on them "Ooh, lovely nails."
She looked at him and their eyes met, his royal blues meeting her emerald greens. "And they match your pretty eyes", he said.
"Let's not keep them waiting." Viper mentioned.
"Right, as you wish." Ken asseverated with a smile and slight bow, his other hand leading in the direction of her table. They walked to the VP table and Ken pulled out Viper's chair for her, sitting her down before saying goodbye to the other agents. "Enjoy the food guys. This place is the best." He said before noticing Sova already ordered a few bottles.
"Come, friend! Share a drink with us!" Sova cheered.
"Come on, have a seat", declared Phoenix.
"Let's not make a fuss here." Cypher said, still in his regular clothes, covering his skin from head to toe. He, Kay/o and Omen stood out like sore thumbs because of how they looked. "I would like to be able to return to this place."
"We're here to party!" Raze brought forth. Sova poured Ken a shot of vodka and clapped back with "One for the road then."
"Well it seems like I must." Laughed Ken. "But only if you pour one for Viper here too." She looked at him confused and he just winked at her with a smile. Sova poured another shot and slid it down the table to them.
"За ваше здоровье." muttered Sova.
"За вас!" Responded Ken as he picked up his glass.
Everyone looked at them with confused expressions.
"To whatever the fuck they just said", said Neon, making everyone laugh. Sova, Ken and Viper downed their shots together and everyone smiled and joked around.
"It was 'cheers', by the way", Ken said with a bitter face.
"Haha, don't tell me you're a lightweight. You make us Russians look bad." Sova kiddingly said.
"I'm... actually having fun", thought Viper. "It's been a long time since I've felt this... when even was the last time? None of the torture I've incited was true joy it seems. This... this is what I long for. Yes, this is what I want. I've made the right choice in coming here tonight."
Everyone was smiling around and Ken got up: "I'd really love to stay with you all but I do have to go now though. My friend just got engaged. I'll be back though. I promised Viper already." he said. She was once again the focus of attention and started feeling her cheeks get hot. Reyna clapped. Sage smiled them on. Ken thought maybe he made a mistake saying that last part but Viper just held his arm and said "You... can just call me Sabine."
"Very well. I'm honored... Sabine." Ken said after briefly pausing in between saying her name. He made off back to his table.
"He's nice." Sage said.
"So this is who I've been replaced with?" Chamber asked, half-jokingly.
"Was he who you ran into during the New York mission?" asked Brimstone.
"Yeah, he's a good guy." Phoenix answered.
"Okay, let's actually order now, please." Fade added after reading Viper's expression of wanting to change the subject. She wasn't used to the spotlight and especially talk about someone she fancied.
"And this time can it be food, maybe? Right, Sova?" Fade announced. Breach laughed the hardest, his metal arms hit the table during his chuckle and broke a piece of it off. Everyone only laughed more, genuinely having a good time. Fade looked over to Viper. Viper mouthed "Thank you" and got a smile in return. "He really brightened the mood", thought Fade. "I'm glad we found him. That he found her." They ultimately ordered food and started eating.

On Ken's side, his friends questioned his long absence but to told them he took up smoking and needed to buy a pack of cigarettes at a nearby store. They didn't believe him and just continued on. He commenced in conversing and enjoying the group but had Sabine in the front of his mind now. He was too happy and couldn't forget her for a second, constantly looking around the restaurant to see her. Eventually, Ken's group concluded their night and he hurriedly said his goodbyes and found his way to the VP's table. Everyone cheered him back. Killjoy, who was sitting right next to Viper, pulled back an empty chair that was added between them for Ken to sit down on.
"We got this just for you!" Astra quickly said.
"Aha, thank you guys. How was the food, everyone?" Ken asked. They all agreed it was good. He then turned to Sabine and asked her, with sincerity in his voice "And what did you think of it?"
"I did enjoy it. It was well-made and tasted phenomenal." She replied.
"I'm glad" Ken said with a smile. "What did you get?"
"I had lamb chops with some garlic mint sauce." Sabine said.
"Those are always good. Oh hey, you wanna have something else to drink?" He asked.
"Are you gonna be drinking too?" She questioned.
"It'd only be fair." He claimed.
"Then sure." Viper stated. They drank and then everyone started drinking and partying too hard that they were asked to leave by the end of it. After they left the restaurant, Ken invited all the agents to his place "None of you motherfuckers is sober enough to drive, you should come to my house tonight."
"I am incapable of getting intoxicated", Kay/O enlightened.
Ken struck back, "Shut up, I've seen Futurama, that robot guy was always wasted. Come on!" No one was too drunk that they were uncontrollable, immobile or needed to be assisted but they clearly weren't okay enough to make it back home on their own.
"I'll get us some car service and you'll all spent the night." Ken told them.
"What car will fit us?" Asked Skye.
"I'll call a fucking limo! Money's not an issue." Ken responded quickly. Sova was loudly laughing at Cypher, questioning his outfit and why he was still fully closed-off.

  Finally, their limousine came and everyone got to Ken's apartment, now faced with the dilemma of where to sleep. He still lived in a 2 bedroom spot with seemingly not enough room to fit all 20 people.
"Well fuck." Said Yoru profoundly.
"It's okay, we can make this work. I'll figure it out." Said Ken. "I got it! Sova will get this, it's like a Slavic thing. Here lemme just get this." He went into a closet and grabbed a few blanket-like mats and laid them out on the floor in his living room. "I still have two rooms and they both have a queen-sized bed in them so I'd recommend the ladies to go there, choose who sleeps where and whatever. The rest of us can sleep here or on the couch. Kay/O you can sleep standing up anyway, no? Omen, do you even need sleep? And worst case, I'll sleep in the fucking bathtub if I have to."
"That works." Said Brimstone.
"Yep, sounds good." Added Killjoy.
"Great. There's a bathroom in the master bedroom and another one right there. We got mad food in the fridge and everything else is around. Let me know if any of you guys need anything." Ken said before handing out blankets to everyone. He saw Yoru already knocked out on the floor and tossed a blanket over him, covering him up.
"And Vi- Sabine!" Ken caught himself speaking her code name before correcting himself with her real name.
"Yes? What is it?" She asked.
"Don't hesitate to wake me if you or anyone needs anything, okay?" He said.
"You got it." Sabine said. "Goodnight."
They both went to bed, everyone else already sleeping. Although crammed in, Viper was wide awake, thinking about the great night she had. "I've completely changed even around others too, I noticed. Strange how someone else can have that effect on a person." Ken kept laughing internally, reminiscing about how much fun he had with everyone and thought about Sabine for a few minutes until he fell asleep. "She seems so sweet. So cute. I wish I was a little taller than her though to be honest. But that's okay. She's still the one I want. The one I already know I want to spend my life with. Forever..."

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