Mommy, Mike Tyson & his Baguette

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   Following his tearful breakdown, Ken gains a bit of composure and paces around the shore of the VP island. He pulls out his phone and sees an unread notification on his screen. It was from Sabine, timed over an hour ago. Ken's body was subconsciously filled with hope when he saw the message was sent from her. He opened it with shaky hands and saw that it was a video. He pressed play and it begun with Sabine recording herself and talking: "I don't know how to start this, really. I, uh, guess I'll just get into it. So hey, Ken. I'm not sure when I'll send this but knowing myself, it'll probably be after you see Chamber and I. I want to let you know that he means nothing to me. I truly despise the ground he walks on. I hate him. But he's always been someone I've come to for comfort. He doesn't mean anything like that to me anymore. I think he still believes he does though. But anyway, he told me that he'd be able to bring Fade over from the mirror Earth over here and that I'd have to welcome him in to my room in order to escort her over." At this point she took a deep pause and averted her eyes away from the camera and onto the ground. "Ken... please know I only care for you. You mean so much to me. You're the only person I genuinely enjoy being around. You found me when I was at my lowest and raised me to heights I didn't know existed. I hope we'll be okay after this. Maybe when I'm doing is wrong but I just need to see Fade again... I'm sorry." She looked back into the camera with tears in her eyes and the video ended there. Ken dropped his phone into his pocket and bolted into the building. He stormed his way to Sabine's room and swung the door open and pointed at Chamber, still in bed with Viper.
"You!" Ken shouted. "Get your ass up and away from my woman!"
Chamber raised one eyebrow and laughed. "Hahaha, so you are this way." He said. "Viper wouldn't shut up about you. All she spoke about was how 'funny and charming and cute' you are. I've learned an unfortunate amount about you. I guess this is what I'd call a 'hashtag cringe moment' according to your terminology. 'Get your hands off my woman' he tells me. Who do you think you are, boy?!"
"While this may certainly be a hashtag cringe moment in your eyes, you can still suck my fat fucking nuts!!" Ken yelled as he put his hands up in a fighting-ready position.
"Ken, please! Stop! He could kill you!" Viper exclaimed. 
Chamber stood up and smirked at Ken.
"No weapons, I'll beat your baguette ass right now." Ken sneered.
Chamber got closer to Ken without raising his arms and lowered his eye-level to Ken's.
"No problem, bitch." Ken thought. "I'll start us off then!" Ken shot an uppercut directly at Chamber's chin. Chamber's knees almost buckled.
"Putain de sa mère la pute!" Chamber struck back at Ken, swinging a wide hook at his head.
Ken: "Ah, you fucking cockhead!"
Ken had his eyes closed while trying to ease his pain and backed up. At the same time, he was throwing body-blows into Chamber's abdomen but missing his punches. Chamber jumped in and threw a downward navigating punch at Ken's head. Ken nearly fell down and got knocked out but put his hands back up while still being severely shaken up.
"I can't let Sabine see me this way... I will not lose!" Ken thought.
Still wobbly, Ken threw two left jabs followed by a shot to his liver. Ken's liver shot sent Chamber's unguarded body bent in half, lowering his head in the process. Ken took his chance to mercilessly launch hook after hook at him, mixing in some uppercut combos in there and finally sending Chamber packing with a right uppercut to his face. Chamber fell to the floor, passed out and bloody-faced. Ken, out of breath, dragged him out of Viper's open door and left him in the hallway while over half of the agents in the VP had already surrounded them from the noise they heard. Ken stared down on the unconscious Chamber and almost spat on him. "You can blame my father who always watched Mike Tyson highlights when I was growing up."
No one said a word while they were watching Ken beat Chamber. They neither dared to say a thing when he dragged his body out. They couldn't be bothered with helping Chamber anyway so after Sage checked his pulse and verified that he was still alive, she had Omen carry him to the couch.
Ken went back into Viper's room, closing the door on his way in. She was standing by the bed, only watching what transpired.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you see Fade. Maybe it was selfish of me but there was no way I was letting him take hold of you any longer." Ken said. "I'm sure he was just lying. And if anything, who's to say their Fade would be the same person or even agree to come here. Even if it's just to see her face, that might not be the best or right way to heal. I'm sorry." Ken suddenly started to cry once he realized how terrible he felt. Sabine grabbed him and hugged him tightly. This time it was her who took him to the bed, holding his face in her chest as he wept. She caressed his head, tears filling her own eyes.
"It's okay, mommy's got you." She said. "I'm here, baby boy."
"I took away the chance you had to see your best friend again." Ken wailed. "I saw the video and got so happy and relieved that it was all a front but then I still went and beat on him. I'm not like that, that's not who I am."
"It's okay, I know you only meant it out of love."
"I couldn't stand to see you with him regardless. I know I'd only do things like that for my near and dears but I just feel like such shit."
"That's okay, it's understandable. You have no need to alter your ethics, you're my good boy. I'll never let you go, I'll hold you here forever."
Ken continued to cry in Sabine's body for minutes on end. "I've never experienced comfort or care like this before. No one's ever been this way, I wasn't aware of its existence. But it's so nice, I'm so glad she's the one to show this side to me." Ken thought while Sabine kept calming him down and stroking his back.
"Mommy's here for you, my good boy." Viper soothingly said. "I should be apologizing to you. You told me you'd be by my side through this and yet I went and resorted to a disgusting healing mechanism within Chamber. You're right, it isn't the right way to deal with it. I'll just have to accept that Fade is gone and that there is another on the second planet but she isn't ours. I was wrong. I'll never disregard your word again. I hope you'll be able to forgive me."
Ken turned his head up to look at her. "I do forgive you. Every relationship has problems they must get through. One of ours just happened to be this early on. I'm glad we were able to overcome it so quickly too. No issue is worth more to me than you."
Sabine kissed Ken's head. "You warm my heart. Sometimes I feel like I'm not deserving of you."
"You are more than deserving, princess. You're worth everything good that goes your way."
Sabine smiles. "Thank you. You make me happier beyond words."
Ken rests his cheek on Sabine's soft chest. "Good. You do too, princess."
"While I love that adorable nickname, I'm mommy for you right now. Now be a good boy and shut up while it's my turn to comfort you."
"As you wish." Ken said before whispering "princess".
"I heard that." Sabine said.
"Haha, okay, my bad. I won't say it again for now."
"No, call me 'mommy'. I want you to say it now."
"Okay... mommy."
"Good boy."
"I didn't know she had a side like this." Ken thought. "Why is it turning me on a little? I've always been the more dominant one. I guess you know how to get me going, Sabine. Although you'd probably find your way into my head right now and demand me to call you mommy and not Sabine."
"I remember you wanted us to watch Interstellar last time and I was too distraught to pay attention so let's watch it now. You said it was your favorite movie, right? I've never seen it before so I'm excited to watch it. With you."
"Oh hell yeah! You're gonna love it, trust me."
Sabine grabbed the remote and put Interstellar on the TV while she sat upright on the bed, cuddling Ken on her lap. They watched the entire movie like that, warmly embracing each other for almost 3 hours.

Not So Poisonous (Viper x Male) VALORANTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora