Charmeur De Serpent

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  Proceeding the incident that cause Fade to pass away, everyone in agency was left feeling depressed. Viper seemed to take it the hardest since Fade was her closest friend among the protocol. She cried herself to sleep in Ken's arms and they lied in her bed in the dormitory throughout the night. Sage was preparing a funeral service for Fade while the others began mourning. Jett and Astra stood awake for pretty much the whole night, unable to sleep. Omen sensed their restlessness and checked up on them periodically. No one wanted to speak. They had nothing to say.

  At last, Viper woke up late into the night, some time around 4:30 a.m. Ken was in high alert as he slept and woke up when she did after feeling her shuffle around the bed.
"Hey, how you feeling?" He asked, huskily.
She wiped her face and only looked up at him with a dazed face for an instant. She dropped her face back into Ken's chest and hugged him. He ran his fingers through her hair and told her to go back to bed. They fell asleep again soon after.

  Ken awoke first, at 7 with Sabine still lying on him.
"I should probably get up and make some coffee or tea or something for her. But she could wake up if I move, I don't want to ruin her sleep. Fuck, I wish I had powers. Teleportation for sure. It'd be so convenient." Ken thinks. He slowly gets up, doing his best to make sure he doesn't wake Sabine up in the process. He heads to the kitchen area of the building and makes a cup of coffee for Sabine.
"Will milk and two sugars be fine? I never asked how she likes coffee. I guess I'll learn if she doesn't prefer it this way. I'll use brown sugar just in case." He thinks. He takes the cup of coffee back over to the room and goes into the bathroom to wash up. He walks out, seeing Sabine awake and sitting up on the bed.
"I hope I wasn't too loud." Said Ken. She shook her head.
"I made you some coffee." He said, pointing to the nightstand where he put it. "I didn't know how you like it so let me know how it is."
"Thank you..." Sabine said.
"No problem! I'm just glad to hear you say something again. How are you holding up, princess?" He asked.
Ken calling her "princess" made her warm up and feel special even though she wasn't paying attention to her good emotions at the time. "Not ideal. But I'm better than before."
"You have every right to still be feeling like that. It's good that you're a bit better though. I'll help you get through this."
"I appreciate that. But I'd like to be left alone for now, please."
"Ah. No worries, I'll get out of your way. Let me know if you need anything at all. I'll be here."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, I understand. Everybody has their own way of grieving. I'll give you whatever you need. If it's just time alone, I'm more than happy to do my part. I'll see you." Ken exits the room and sits on the couch in the common area. He has his elbows on his thighs, leaning forward and drops his head. His mind starts racing: "Fade, what happened? Everyone's in pain. Am I being a nuisance here? What can I do to help? Sabine... I hope you'll be okay. I can't lose you. I won't lose you. I'll be here. I don't care how long it takes, I'll make sure you're okay along with everyone else. That will be my job here. That's how I'll overcome this and my grief." With his newfound strength, Ken stands up and sees Neon pacing back and forth at a hallway.
"You alright?" Ken asks her.
"I'll be fine. I don't want you to worry about it." She said with a fake smile and Ken nods. "Don't you have work to get to today?" She asks.
"Fuck that. Work can suck my ass. They won't miss me too much, it's just one day."
"The agency can help out if you need. We can compensate you for your time here."
"No, that isn't necessary. I make upwards of three hundred thousand dollars a year."
"Holy shit!"
"Yeah. I had to work my ass off though to get to this point. I had pretty much no social life from when I finished high school until I was at least 24, grinding only on work. I always wanted a big family with a nice house and enough money to sustain them. I never wanted my children to have to worry about money or any financial difficulties. I remember always being disappointed as a kid when I asked my parents for something in a store and they'd say 'no' because we couldn't afford it. It wouldn't be right of me to bring a family into this world without being able to provide for them. It wouldn't be fair. I don't want that for my kids or wife." Ken told Neon.
"Damn, hats off to you. I'm sure that wasn't easy to go through."
"Ah, don't fret on it. Anyway, excuse my ramblings, I go on too much sometimes."
"No, it's okay. It distracted me from the whole Fade thing for a second."
"At least I was able to help someone." Ken said with a genuine smile coming across his face. Neon sent a smile back, this time being authentic.
"You seemed to have eased my tensions a little. Thank you." Neon said.
"Just doin' my job." Ken said as he pointer finger guns at her with a wink.
"Haha, you're calming. I can see how you charmed Viper."
"I'm happy to hear that. Hopefully she doesn't get tired of my bullshitery."
"She can be a patient person, you'll be good."
Ken had unintentionally cheered Neon up.
"He's really a nice guy." She thought and went back into her room, hoping to finally catch up on sleep without constantly waking up now.

Ken sat back down after realizing there was really nothing to do. Everyone was either still in their rooms or quietly thinking to themselves. Chamber however walked out of his room, noticeably clean-shaven and showered. He wore less formal clothing than usual and made a cup of coffee. He had clothing folded up on his arm and picked up the cup with that same hand. Ken watched him as he walked into Viper's room. Ken looked on confused and puzzled. "What the fuck?" He thought. He wanted to get up but didn't know if she should. "Fuck him, I'm following his ass. She's my girl after all." Ken stood waiting outside of the room, listening in on anything he could try and hear. "Should I be doing this?" He asked himself, his heart starting to race. He looked by, checking to see if anyone could see him spying. The coast was clear.
"I made you a coffee just how you like it. And here's some clothes." He could hear Chamber talking to who could've only been Sabine. "W-what the hell?" Ken asks himself under his breath. "Who does this asshole think he is?!" Ken started to grow angry and overprotective. He felt himself about to burst in the room but held back when he heard a familiar voice saying "thanks." "Sabine?..." He thought, his eyes widening. His white scleras bloomed into red, veiny ones. Water rose into the bottoms and sides of his eyes. His vision blurred with the secretion. Tears almost started falling before he told himself "not to be a pussy" and continued to just listen in. He heard nothing more being said but Chamber still hadn't walked back out of the room. Ken knew he had to think of some reason to enter. He thunk hard for a minute, finally coming up with something he felt reasonable enough. He ran off to where Sage was staying and asked her if any news sprouted about how Fade died or her funeral.
"Nothing on the death yet, I'm afraid." Sage said. "But a funeral will be held tomorrow in Turkey. It's where she's from. I'm sure she'd want to be amongst her own. If you'd like to come we can fly you out with us."
"Of course I'll go. Anything I can do to help for now?"
"I don't think so. I appreciate the offer though. We all appreciate what you've done."
"It's all my pleasure. We gotta focus on the good somehow."
"A wise statement." Sage concluded.
Ken now had a reason to go into Sabine's room and went off. He knocked twice after already opening the door. He spoke in a calm manner: "Hey, I know you said you wanted to be alone but I just wanted to stop by and notify you that the funeral service will be tomorrow in Turkey." He stopped talking after peering over and seeing Sabine in bed with Chamber, his arms wrapped around her as if they were cuddling.
"Chamber, what the fuck?!" Ken said, now with a loud tone.
Sabine said with a cry: "He's just always been the one I went to when I needed comfort or to confide in. I'm just in a really bad place right now. I'm sorry!"
"Oh... I guess I understand. I'll leave you alone then." Ken saw Chamber pick up a cell phone and type something before placing it down and staring at him with a smirk. Ken got an alert on his phone and checked it. It read "It's not only that I got her, it's that you lost." The message was sent through Sabine's own phone. "He even has her password then?" Ken thought as he felt himself getting sick. He hurried out and let his tears flow down relentlessly. Chamber only held Viper closer after Ken left. Viper was semi-reluctantly embracing Chamber with guilt. "Everything went according to plan." Chamber thought.

  Ken wanted to get out of the building as soon as possible. When he dashed past Sage, she tried stopping him and asking why he was crying. He brushed her off and told him he wouldn't be able to make it to the funeral. When he finally got outside, he almost yelled out in pain. He felt the full flush of Fade's death at that moment. He couldn't hide behind a mask of helping others relieve as a coping mechanism anymore. He also felt additional pain after feeling betrayed and used by Viper. His true emotions revealed themselves. "How could she?!" Ken asked himself. He held his crying face in his palms now. "Here I go acting like a bitch again. You fucking pussy!" He mentally exclaims at himself. "I didn't deserve her anyway. It must've been something I've done. I couldn't be enough to satisfy her, to make her happy." He internally monologued. "Now here I go feeling sorry for myself. This is why I've been single for years. Nobody wants this piece of shit. Definitely not Sabine... no. No! Fuck that! I'll kill that French asshole! He must've done something! I swear I'll figure you out!" Ken screamed inside his head, now pounding at the ground with a balled-up fist. He ended up standing there for an hour before coming to terms with the realization that he had no way off the agency island without the plane.

Not So Poisonous (Viper x Male) VALORANTWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu