The Date

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  The time has come for Ken and Sabine to go on their date. They have been looking forward to it all week. Both called off work and were ready hours before they agreed to meet. Ken asked Viper if he should pick her up but she told him she lives hours away and will just be flown out to the location. He finally got his car fixed and drove off to the American Museum of Natural History at 11 in the morning.

After parking his car, Ken stepped out and went to a nearby florist.
"Hey, I'm here to pick up an order for Ken." He tells the clerk. "The green-dyed roses, yep." He gets handed the flowers.
"Would you like me to add some dark green chrysanthemums for contrast?" The shopkeeper asks Ken.
"What do you think? How would they look?"
"I can show you some different types and you can choose which looks best."
The man brings out a selection of different flowers. Ken sees one he thinks would match the roses best and tells the man to add those into the bouquet.
"This one here, please." Ken tells the man.
"Ah, rosa chinensis viridiflora. You have good taste, they look great with them. I'll ring you up."
"Thank you."
Ken rushes out of the store, worried that Sabine already showed up and that he's making her wait. He stands by his car again for a second and gets a call from Sabine telling him that she's landing and should be by the museum in no more than 5 minutes. He checks himself in his car's side-mirrors, making sure he still looked as good as he did when he left the house. He wore a dark-gray pique polo shirt with two out of the three buttons done up and navy blue jeans with brown shoes. He had his beard lined up nicely too.

  Sabine walks up to the front of the museum building and Ken spots her, running up to her.
"Hey!" Ken called out.
He greeted her and went in for a hug by her waist.
"You look gorgeous, darling. The white makes your eyes pop." He said as held out the bouquet, handing it to her. She wore a plain white sweatshirt with a matching white blazer and black pants and black laced-boots.
"What's this?" She asked.
"I got you some roses and stuff. I forget what the other ones are called to be honest. But I noticed your green nails last time so I figured you liked that color and remembered to get it today."
"You didn't have to do all that. They are my favorite color though." She shyly said.
"I know I didn't have to. But I wanted to."
"What will they think when I walk in holding flowers?"
"They'll probably think 'what a lucky guy' about me. None of them are taking you out. You can also leave them in my car if you want. I wouldn't blame you, holding onto those for a couple of hours could be bothersome."
"Do you think they'll dry out or die?"
"You're the scientist, tell me."
"Doesn't matter, I'd like to hold onto them anyway. Thank you."
Ken smiles at her.
"Alright, ready?"

  They go into the museum, Ken forces his way into paying for both of their admission tickets. Viper was initially worried about what the other people would think but after seeing Ken's carefree approach to what they thought, she let her nervous guard down. First, they entered the mammalian exhibit with animals from the Ice Age.
"Look at the mammoths!" Ken said, his eyes lit up like a child's.
"They got some big ass tusks." Sabine said back.
"Yeah. They're cool, though. Their huge fucking tusks make them look sick. And they're like hairy, giant elephants. Elephants are crazy enough on their own if you think about it and mammoths are like a superior form of them. Crazy that we used to walk amongst them."
"Do you like mammoths?"
"They're my favorite animals."
"Oh, really?"
"Yep. Do you have one?"
"Eagles, probably."
"Ha, I'd have thought snakes."
"Ah, 'cause of 'Viper'?"
They both made mental notes of the other's favorite animal. After, they headed past wax figures behind glass depicting hunter-gatherers. When Ken walked by one the figures, he was startled and jumped, thinking it was a real person staring at him. He put his hand to his chest.
"Holy shit..." he sighed.
Sabine found the ordeal hilarious and started laughing. Ken joined in, chuckling in embarrassment.
"There's no way that just happened." She said.
"I can't believe it either. Not my fault they made him look so damn menacing."
They got further in, reaching the depth of the museum and concluding near the planetarium.
"I haven't gone here since I was like 4." Ken stated.
"I've never been." Sabine says.
"Oh, you'll love it. You like spacey shit?"
"Yeah, I guess I like it. Never really thought much about it."
"I love it. I love everything space-themed. I wanted to be an astronaut at one point of my life. What do you like?"
"I've always liked helping people in any way I could. That was the reason I got into medicine in the first place. It wasn't for money or anything like that. Not fame, nothing. I simply wanted to better the lives of people who needed it. Things changed down the road but that's the case."
"Wow, that's amazing though. That's something that has a lasting impact on countless lives for the better. You're inspirational."
"If only he knew what trials and experiments proceeded the medical work..."  she thought before brushing that thought aside. "I remember specifically a time where my mother was ill. I was young, maybe 11 years old. We couldn't afford the scientific testing that was going on for treatment. It was so simple to me what the solution was. I thought that they should just help because that's what the right thing to do was. Why does money have more value than a human life? I wished I could be the one who healed my mother. She never got the care she needed and died from lung cancer before my 14th birthday." She told him.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I never knew anything like that happened."
"It's okay. It's been over 15 years ago now. I've more or less learned to get by. It's made me closed-off with people in my life but I have a feeling that has the ability to change."
"Whatever it is, I just want you to know that you were doing the right thing. Your mother would be happy. For even wanting to get into a career for that is outstanding. I'm proud of you."
At that moment, Sabine felt blood rushing through her heart warmly. She stared at Ken with deep intimacy. Following their stories, they walked into the planetarium, Ken immediately gazing upon the ceiling with stars surrounding them everywhere. He watched with awe and sparkly eyes. Sabine looked over at Ken and only admired him, disregarding the countless stars around.
"He looks so cute when he's excited about something like this. I want to be a reason he feels this special way." She thought.

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