~ Where Am I? What's with this. . . Meowth? ~

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Lia felt as if her body was floating, floating in an endless sea of darkness. Then a light came shining down in front of her, revealing the mysterious mirror once again. It started to show her images of certain elements.

"Flames that reduce even the brightest stars into ash"

"Ice that can seal away, even time itself"

"Great trees that can swallow even the sky,"

"But you my dear, ~ You possess a power far greater than those"

Lia started to feel something bubbling up inside of her, she started to pant heavily as it felt like it was trying to burst out from her. She started to panic till she heard the voice again.

"Fear not the forces that dwell inside."

"Now...demonstrate that power to them, young one. ~"

Just as Lia began to awaken, the darkness overwhelmed her once more.


Lia's eyes shot open. She groaned as she reached up and rubbed her head.

A light snoring sound caught her attention. Feeling around her since she couldn't see, it was Pikachu and Persian asleep beside her head, and by her feet. Suddenly, she started to panic as she felt around to look for something else. When her hand touched a familiar leather handle, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank Arceus, it's still here," Lia sighed in relief after she felt the familiar fabric of her bag. However, the texture of her clothing put her on alert.

Lia's heart rate began to quicken at the sound of indistinct chatter coming from outside. It was only becoming harder to breathe. She knew her condition would worsen if she did not escape her confinement. The darkness did not help her case either.

"Ah, Crap! People are coming!" another voice said. It sounded like they were nearby. "I need to hurry up and get a uniform before I get caught!"

'A uniform? Is that what I'm wearing?' Lia wondered.

"Persian, Pikachu, wake up," she whispered while gently shaking Pikachu and Persian.

Pikachu rubbed his eyes. "Pikachu?" (What time is it?)

"Where are we? Why does it feel so cramped?" Persian questioned a bit annoyed because he can't stretch like he normally does when he wakes up.

At that moment, Lia's fear instantly faded to confusion. 'Did, did I just hear him physically? and not in my head?'

Lia snapped out of her thoughts as the rattling of the said box continued from the person outside.

"Urrrgggh! Gah! This lid feels like it's weighed with bricks!" the person outside complained as they kept trying to open the lid.

Suddenly, the edges of the lid burst into blue flames, scaring the three inside.

"PIKA!" (YOW!)



Soon the lid to the box opened, freeing the three inside.

"Alright, just grab a uniform and. . . WHAT THE!! You're not supposed to be awake now!" an individual exclaimed.

Lia, Persian, and Pikachu stared at the creature that freed them. But tilted their heads as they looked at it.

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