~ When One Moron Wasn't Enough ~

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After that skirmish; The head-mage and his wife left and went back to the school. Same with Ace, though before he started to leave, he turned to Lia to say something. However, she turned her back on him and walked away herself before he could.

"If you want to apologize to her, wait till she's ready to listen. Until she's cooled down, I'd suggest that you back off for now." Persian told him, before running off to join the said girl.

Ace watched them go, he let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. "I really messed up."

Later, Lia, Grim, and the Pokémon came back to Main Street, with all the supplies they needed to clean the statues and the lawn around them.

"Gah, wish that punk would help us with this too. This is going to take forever." Grim whined

"It will if you just complain like that." Lia retorted.

*May I suggest something Miss Lia?* Rotom asked as he flew out of Lia's bag.

"Sure Rotom, go ahead."

*Whenever you began cleaning in the cottage, you would always listen to or sing some songs to get it done faster. *

"Listening to some tunes does sound nice." Grim thought.

"And it really does make the chore get done faster." Persian agreed.

"Pikachu! Pika!" (And we can get the others to join in too!)

However, Lia looked skeptical as she let out all her other Pokémon then turned to Rotom-dex "You just want me to actually sing, don't you?"

*Yes please, *

Lia sighed, "Rotom, you know how I feel about singing in public."

"Kid, everyone is pretty much inside the school right now. I'm sure singing some tunes while we're cleaning won't hurt. And like I said, it'll get done faster. So you won't have to worry about anyone listening in on you." Persian assured.

"Pika, Pi, Pika." (Plus, I want to hear you sing again, please.) 

Lia did her best to stay strong, but her Pokémon knew that she had a weak spot for cute faces

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Lia did her best to stay strong, but her Pokémon knew that she had a weak spot for cute faces. Especially from Pikachu. She sighed in defeat, "Fine,"

"Pikachu!" (Yay!) Pikachu and everyone cheered. Lia smiled at the happy faces she was seeing.

*What melody will you be singing?*

"How about. . . . Wild Child? Then after that one play the melody for Flora's Secret."

"Haven't done those ones in a while," Persian said.

"Well, they're more of an upbeat melody so I try to find the right moments for them."

*Shall I start the music recording Miss Lia?* Rotom asked.

"Go ahead."

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