Chapter 13

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Chanyeol's POV

Sitting on this damn plane in first class watching out the window as we take off, I can't help but think of Baekhyun. I feel terrible for not seeing him before I left but I know Kai looked after him with the messages he sent me. I look forward to being back with him soon. I wonder if he will be bigger when I return. Thinking of him like that makes me smile. I still can't wrap my head around how someone could leave anyone when they are carrying their child. In a way I am glad I met Baekhyun but also feel so sorry for him. I just wish he would agree to date me as I have never ever felt this way about somebody I just met. Am I going crazy or is this genuinely love at first sight?.

Next morning

Baekhyun POV

"Oh crap" just as I open my eyes my body wants to vomit so I cover my mouth and quickly make a run for the bathroom while not tripping up over my bed sheets that I have launched off the bed. Falling to my knees my stomach dry reaches stopping me from trying to catch a breath.

Finally after a few minutes it stops and I can breathe like a normal person. Dragging myself off the floor I head back to my bedroom. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I rub my stomach hoping the baby is ok after making me dry reach. My phone buzzes making me reach across to the empty side of my bed to grab it.

Baekkie the money we used for the wedding venue and our joint account has been divided in half so if you notice your account has more money in it that is the reason.

Reading that message I just start to break down and cry. The last thing I needed was to hear from my ex, especially at this time in the morning. I throw my phone across my bed and start to cry more. I then start to panic a little. I find it harder to breathe, I get the strength up to leave my apartment and knock-on Kai's hoping he is in to help me.

" Morning are you...?" Baekhyun what's wrong?" I hear kai speak but I can't stop crying

"Hang on" he says then next thing I know he has me up in his arms bridal style and carries me into his sitting room and sits me on the sofa.

"Ok look at me and take a deep breath" he says as he gets on his hunkers in front of me. I take a deep breath and keep doing what he says as I finally start to relax.

" There you go, what happened?" He rubs my hand showing comfort as I take a deep breath so I can tell him.

" My ex sent me a message telling me our joint account was divided and should be in my account"

" And you had a little panic attack?"

" Yes , I think so. I forgot about all of that and hearing from him again just upsets me" I lower my head and start to cry again.

" Hey, it's all over now and guess what Chanyeol said he was going to video call me any minute now would you like to see him?"

" Are you serious I look like death right now" I quickly wipe my tears as he just smiles " You look great you just have red eyes as if you just woke up. It might make you feel better to see him" he smirks as he moves to grab his phone as I quickly fix my hair and wipe my face.

" Hey Yeol," Kai says holding the phone up as he sits beside me on the sofa.

" How was last night Kai, is Baekhyun ok?"

" Last night was great and Baekhyun is here with me now" Kai moves the camera and I smile and feel alive just by seeing him smile on the screen.

" Good morning, how are you?" Chanyeol says as Kai makes me hold the phone while he heads to his kitchen.

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