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Today was my appointment with the CIO. I was surprised that the meeting was scheduled so quickly and on a Saturday too, but I supposed the CIO must be a very dedicated worker. It made sense since a high ranking role in RAC was a coveted position.

Whoever this woman was, I think her name was Virpal?, she must have worked her butt off to reach where she was.

The meeting was set at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, which was going to disrupt my daily regimen.

For the past several months, my routine had been spending most of the day in the Door and visiting my sister in the hospital in the evening before going to work at Uncle Bob's restaurant.

So it was going to be a waste of time if I only spent a few hours in the Door. I would most likely end up barely killing a goblin before it was time for the meeting. I also didn't want to be sweaty and covered in dirt and goblin blood when I met with the CIO.

So I decided to take a day off from hunting and visit my sister at the hospital in the morning.

"Hey, Sofia. How are you feeling today?" I asked as I walked into her hospital room.

Although I had gotten used to seeing my sister in the hospital, I still couldn't help my anxiety every time I was on my way to see her. I would always worry that Sofia would look much worse. She would always say she's fine, or that she's better, but her gaunt appearance made her a terrible liar.

There were times when I was afraid to ask how she was, and I would immediately feel bad for being so selfish. Sofia was the one who was going through all the pain and suffering, so what kind of coward was I to want to run away like that?

When Sofia first fell ill, this anxiety used to be accompanied by hope. Perhaps Sofia would look much better today? Or maybe her doctor would have good news?

But after months of obvious deterioration and puzzled doctors, my hope was diminishing fast. Having a patient in your family definitely didn't help your stress level. It was like riding a roller coaster of hope and despair with no end in sight.

This was why being a Rhombic was so important. The more I thought about it, the more I felt certain I needed to do this. Sure, physical and mental exhaustion might kill me eventually, but I couldn't give up this godsent chance. Sofia and I never got a break in our lives, but this could be it.

I have been feeling discouraged lately for a good reason. When I first saw the Invitation, I was filled with such hope. I secretly believed that I was special, and that I would become one of those star Rhombics that ascended to higher floors in no time.

My wild and unreasonable expectations had me imagining myself swimming in countless expensive gems. And I even saw myself miraculously, no pun intended, finding the Miracle Potion to cure Sofia.

It was no surprise that these ridiculous dreams didn't come true, yet I was right back to grumbling about my life again.

I was being an ungrateful whiner.

I had been angry before I got the Invitation because I had nothing in this world. Yet even though I now had something, I was still complaining.

Sure, this "something" wasn't as good as what the others have, but it was still one thing more than I had before.

After pep-talking myself into renewed determination, I sat down beside my sister.

"Leah! Why are you here at this time of the day? Shouldn't you be at school?" Sofia asked in surprise. I could already see the "I'm going to give you the lecture of your life" look appearing on her face.

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