Chapter 10

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I tried sleeping early the whistles were going on and on and on, today they were different, it was as if there is a message behind them but I don't understand the language...lately I've been dreaming of a white bird, my dad even suggested that we go to Mvelo's father. I turned him down, there was something inside me I couldn't name it but ilokhu iwuphebeza lowo mcabango, something was wrong I could feel it!

"kuzolunga ngane yami" (everything will be fine)

(screaming) "when baba? " Me

" you need to go to Khoza"

" no!! baba" Me

"what's the problem now? "

" can I have a glass of water" Me

My dad went downstairs for a while and when he came back he came back with Mvelo

" and then? " I almost choked from water I was drinking

"let's go, I need to take you to my dad" Mvelo

"should I come? " Dad

"no! I mean cha baba she's safe with me" Mvelo

"oh ay kulungile, aunt zuzu will pack stuff for you ngingahamba" Dad

"Did you see the time 22:00, I don't like this" Me

I couldn't walk properly I was so weak and sleepy as soon as I got into the car I fell asleep, weirdly I thought I was dreaming

" I'm really sorry Thingo, I loved you, I mean I love you so much but other things have to happen, I hope you'll forgive me" Mvelo

Which seemed like a long time the car stopped and I opened my eyes, it was the same big house, with the beautiful mountains view especially at night

" are you ready?" with a husky voice, he had blue eye, I wanted to ask what happened his face but I decided to mind my own

"for?" Me

'never mind" Mvelo

"zingane zami" Mvelo's father with a huge smile

"yebo baba" Mvelo

"I'm glad you're here, get inside' Qalumuzi



The way they were silent, it got me shaking with fear I don't know where it came from but I was really scared, I saw this gent next to the small rondavel looking at me with fear, I think he was giving some sort of signal, I heard the whistles from far and they were calling I figured I had to follow the whistle before I lose it, likely the gate wasn't closed, I ran to the gate, it wasn't that far

"wahlahla amehlo Mvelo! Mulande, Ntando! nathothobala! hey! Fetch her" Qalumuzi

The whistle I was hearing was a bit far, I ran for my life to the whistle, Mvelo was after me, I ended in the nearest bush, I could hear that the whistle was closer. when I got to where I thought the whistle is there was nothing I figured I had to get the hell out, I saw Mvelo passing by the tree that was in front of me

"come on stwerk.a, we won't hurt you it's for the best,THINGO!!" Mvelo

I couldn't breathe, I stood in that same spot for about 20 minutes, he went up and down and finally decided to go back kwayima ngithole ukuphefumula. When I was about to turn around I could feel someone behind me, I was even scared to look. I turned really slowly as if it was going help me, it was a man I couldn't tell until I turned my whole body, it was the same gent who was standing by the rondavel

"Shoot! you scared me bro" Me

"Lalela la, you need to get out of this place ukuthi kanjani angazi, going back inside is not going to help you, these people kill maidens for them to be successful and live bathwala ngazo, usiko labo for them to grow and they are gifted bangamathonga aphilayo it's a way to keep them alive, Khoza has a boy and 2 girls who left about 2 years ago they didn't want to be part of killing innocent girls" Ntando

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it all made sense why he was apologizing I thought I was dreaming , I couldn't stop crying my phone was in Mvelo's car I couldn't call my dad, what a fuck up!

"how do you know this?" Me

" I work here, I arrived here about 4 months ago ngizothwasa and yes Khoza did help me I'm alive because of him, I'm not umhlabelo because I'm not the target, they're very good at hiding things, they think I don't know but other things my ancestors show me." Ntando

" what should I do?" Me

"there are alot of things you need to know and learn, did you know unabalozi?" Ntando

"what's that?" Me

"I don't have time but I can assure you, what will happen today no one is expecting it, I don't want to tell you what to do, you must do what you think is right so you can learn but whatever decision you're taking, you're not taking it alone your ancestors are by your side" Ntando

He walked away, the fuck just happened bakwethu

I walked for about 15 min in that forest and it was scary, I tried following indlela encane, hoping it's going to lead me to the road so I can hike, I walked for quite some time it was so dark, why am I even in this situation, why am I here with no one. It was so dark and that's when I saw that it was chaai, my life was over. I was deep in the woods now, there was no going out. I sat down I was to tired and I fell asleep.

Moments later I heard footsteps and voices, trees breaking

"don't be ridiculous Thingo! come with me" Mvelo

I kept quiet, my heart was racing so fast, I stood up and I started running, I saw them with a torch running after me, I didn't see where I was going it was dark and unyezi (the moon) wasn't doing any justice.

I ran for about 10 minutes and I was tired but something kept pushing me to keep going, I ran until I landed on a road, there were no sign of cars

I assume they went back because I couldn't hear them speak. I started walking, my thighs were full of blood I had scars everywhere.

The skirt I was wearing was full of blood even my white t-shirt. I was asking myself alot of questions in that mist a Range Rover stopped next to me, I couldn't run any longer I just sat down I didn't care anymore.

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