Chapter 19

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that's my ass pacing up and down in the kitchen, I really thought I was losing my mind for a second

impophoma yezinyembezi zami yayigeleza ingelezane, I thought my eyes were deceiving me, I lost balance, my head was pounding

"Baba" I fell on my knees

I looked at him he was lying there helpless with blood everywhere,I spent about 5 minutes and I couldn't stare at him any longer, I decided to stand up while wiping tears heading to the rondavel, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't run,i was defeated I got outside and the rain was pouring. I stood in the rain for a good minute, trying to process everything

I got to the rondavel and they were all having their conversations, they didn't notice my presence except Thingo who looked like she just saw a ghost

"Bafo what's going on, are you okay?" Qaphelani

The house went silence

"u...ubaba Qaphelani, uHlase Qaphelani!" Me

"he's...he's gone" I let out a loud scream

Qaphelani standing " what are you talking about?"

"I found him lying on the floor in the kitchen" Me

Qaphelani ran outside, Lunga, Tumi and MaSishi followed him

I sat down scratching my head, I never thought I'll see this day, my dad was a good man! who would want him dead, stab him to death? I couldn't believe it

I've had a headache the whole day and when I received a call from Qaphelani It all made sense, I felt tears he's my father after all, I didn't support what he was doing but he's my father and I love him. I wanted to call Britney and Zakithi but I thought I should go and see it for myself, I told Qaphelani I'll see him in the morning. It was late I snuggled in bed and called the love of my life

Me: sthandwa sami (my love)
Thingo: babe, I'm in the middle of something can we talk later
Me: ibaluleke ukwedlula mina? are you crying?
Thingo: baby it's not like that and no I'm not


Thingo: don't hung up

I guess she was making her way to a quiet place

Thingo: okay we can talk
Me: uyaphila thembalami? (how are you love of my life?)
Thingo: uhm nothing much sthandwa sami
Me: what's going on?

she starts crying softly

Thingo: I... I did something (she cries some more)
Me:what did you do mama?
Thingo:I..I'll tell you... I'll tell you when I come back
Me: send me your location, I'm coming right now
Thingo: No! I mean I'll be fine baby don't worry
Me:when are you coming back?
Thingo: (sigh) I'm not sure
Me: you're not sure? Thingo what's going on? I'm worried about you

she hung up

I can't believe this, something said I should just head to my dad's, my mother needs me after all,  I really love Thingo but she keeps on pushing me away I don't get it, I put sweatpants and a sweater , I take my car keys and I lock my apartment and off I went. I got there at around 22:00 and people were busy and my uncles were here also

It's been 2 years since I left this place and I felt really nervous. I parked my car in the yard and I just sat there for a few minutes gathering myself, people were going up and down, I have to admit there are a lot of people here.

I get out and I head to my uncles

"sanibonani (greetings) " Me

"awu! This! This is my son, Khethamahle, we were just talking about you mfanaka, lalela there's this beautifuuuuul lady my boi here I don't even know her name" (they all laugh)

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