Chapter 12

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It's been 6 months of fun, hell and alot of learning.
I spent about 6/7 months of my life learning how to control ithonga lami, I had fun most of it but it wasn't easy, It did humble me in some way, my dad was happy to see me up and running. He still can't believe that the whistles are behaving , the Khoza's were really nice to me. Mvelo and I are just vibing I guess, I hope he's not invested.

I couldn't stop thinking about the decision I took when I got here, I heard that my first job would be when I finish my finals, my eyes were fixed on the ceiling for quite some time, I decide to take my phone under my pillow to text my dad, it's 6:19 I go to my Whatsapp

Morning dad hope you're good ,I'm not sure what's happening but I think I'm leaving tomorrow, I'll call you when I can. Bye!

I put my phone under my pillow and I close my eyes. I hear someone at the door

"Thingo! wake up sis"

That's a female voice and it sounds like aunt Grace, I've noticed she doesn't support anything that has to do with the ancestors and she makes it obvious, I put the big pillow over my head

"come in"

she gets inside and I swear it was a bad idea to let her in

"you know you're supposed to be awake by now" (opens the curtains)

"wake up!" (opens windows)

"I don't understand how you girls sleep for this amount of time" (pulls the blanket)

I wanted to curse her so bad but I'm choosing to be a good hun today, I drag myself to the bathroom,I take a shower then I go back to the bedroom, my bed was already made

She looks 45 /47, she's gorgeous though, looks like those rich aunts, she sits next to me and holds my hand

which I find very weird

she let out a big sigh

"finish up so you can eat"

she leaves the room


I finish up

Next thing Mvelo, Qaphelani and Lunga and Tumi come in the room

"will I ever get peace around here" rolling my eyes

The relationship I have with Qaphelani is amazing, he's definitely like a big brother to me, I don't like Lunga he's cocky and Tumi is just Tumi being a clown

I take my phone, I leave them in the room, going down the passage taking left where the kitchen is

"Thank you for making my bed and food"

"anytime, so what's the plan for today?" aunt Grace

"uhm I don't know, I think I need to go since exams are around the corner" Me

"uqinisile, I'll speak to Khoza so you and Mvelo can go" aunt Grace

"why is he still here?" Me

"he said he wants to make sure you're okay" aunt Grace

I took what looked like bacon, I didn't want to be rude but this food wasn't in my standard, I ate in silence, the boys came in the room

"morning guys" Mvelo

"yah mfanakama" (hey my boy) aunt Grace giving them a hug, I find this cute well I can't relate but that's a story for another day

"Thingo" Mvelo

I just looked at them and I drank my juice, I didn't understand why they act like nothing happened in the last 6 months, ever since I got here we've never spoke about their "tradition" which I'd like to believe doesn't exist, I've been hearing them speak on their own, I need to go to Durban as in yesterday, I don't even know how I survived 6 months

"okay, Mah if you need me I'm outside" Qaphelani says scratching his head

I put my dishes in the sink

"aunt Grace so what am I doing today? Time is ticking I need to go back to Durban" Me

"well we have to wait for instructions from ubaba" -Mvelo

I go outside, it is so hot jeez, this place is really beautiful can't deny that part. I see Khoza and Bafana sitting under the tree, I go down to them

"sanibonani, ngithembe nilale kahle (the 3 of us palm clapping twice while I was on my knees) what's my "task" for today?"

"well I'm glad you asked, you see the ceremony you had on Sunday, that made you officially healed from whistles, next time you hear them you'll know exactly what's happening, I think it's time you go home we will see you after your finals"

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