Chapter 28

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Mvelo insisted I invite my friends or family members to the wedding I've decided to invite my cousin but he'll arrive the day before the wedding . I heard Mvelo saying that the negotiations went really well and his brother is happy, I'm still puzzled by the fact that he's okay with everything, I know it's not easy for him to get over her, he really loved Thingo you can tell by the way he speaks about her or when he speaks to her, he's really trying not to show it and he's convincing himself that it's done, I'm trying so hard not to pay attention to it and be an understanding girlfriend

I've been in this house for a week and I'm honestly getting bored every second, today I decided that I will go and look for traditional things that I will wear at this wedding on Saturday, I heard Mvelo speaking to one of his brothers that there will be a traditional wedding only, I would be happy about that but if it's what they want so be it

I take my bag on the bed I make my way to the kitchen to grab an apple, I really like this house it's spacious far from what I'm used to I mean my family is not filthy rich we can afford that all, I take an apple and I make my way out

"Keesha" Lunga

I got used to how these people call my name, I've argued with them that it's Keesha but they be saying their own things especially Lunga it's like he's saying 'cashier'. I turn my whole body to look at him

"have you seen Mvelo ?" Lunga

"I'm doing great how are you?" Me

"angizwanga?" (I didn't catch that) Lunga

Why is he so intimidating

"no I haven't seen him, he left when I was asleep" Me

"you could have just said that" Lunga

"didn't your mom teach you to greet people first?" I ask washing my apple

"listen here, I'm nothing to you I didn't say come here, this house belongs to Me, Tumi and Mvelo if you want to be greeted go and stay where they will greet you" he says in a low tone but you can tell that there's anger

I got hot flashes immediately, such disrespect! Who does he think he is

"it makes me sad hearing that from someone like you, who doesn't have direction, get over this girl, she's gone! Forever! She won't come back! (I burst in laughter) Mvelo told me everything about your dirty family Lunga , you are such a loser man, get a life! " I say in a soft voice, closing the door behind me


I run to Mvelo's bedroom and I take all Keesha'clothes, ones in the drawers, wardrobe everything that belongs to her and I go downstairs and I make my way to the gate and I put them there. I take my phone at the back of my pocket and I call Mvelo

Ringing *

Definitely running out of patience


"Hello" Mvelo

"yey wenanja!" Me

"what's going on?" Mvelo

"where are you?" Me

"I'm at the gym, what's happening now?" Mvelo

"we need to have some serious talk, be here in 15" Me

"I won't be there in 15 minutes but I'm coming" Mvelo


I know my brother, he doesn't act like this something must be wrong. I decide to call Qaphelani to go to Durban North, my head was spinning the whole time, I've never gotten into a fight with Lunga he's like my father and I never wanted to step on his toes. My phone rings and it's Keesha

"Baby" Me

"what's the theme of the wedding again?" Keesha

"babe we'll speak later, I need to rush home" Me

"what happened?" Keesha

"I don't know Lunga just called me and he's angry as fuck" Me

"oh" Keesha

" I'll call you back" Me

I drop the call and I drive inside the yard, Lunga and Qaphelani are standing on the veranda and they don't look pleased, I turn around to lock the car I notice Keesha's clothes at the gate

"what's going on?" Me

"Lalela mfana, I don't want to see that thing you call your girlfriend ever again!" Lunga

"you know what she said to Lunga?" Qaphelani

"what?" I ask confused as f!

"she spoke about Zanele" Lunga

I could see Lunga wanting to breakdown, we promised each other that we will never speak about what happened that night when Lunga was forced to kill his girlfriend, me telling Keesha I didn't think she was going to speak about it especially to Lunga, my heart was pounding I was hoping that Lunga doesn't do anything stupid because if he's triggered by this anything can happen

"I'm sorry bhuti" Me

"listen take your girlfriend and leave!" Lunga

"I'm so disappointed Mvelo" Qaphelani

"I don't want to see you or her" Lunga

Ever since I dated Keesha things aren't going the way they should, I thought I could do this but she took it to far. Qaphelani offered that we stay with him for a week because the following week we're going back to Cape Town. I took my things and Keesha's clothes and drove to LaLucia, I texted Keesha the address and I told her I'll explain everything when she arrives. What a way to start my day


I'm seeing my man today, I haven't seen him in a while. I can say I got over my emotions and yes I'm putting them first I'll sort myself out later, I take a doek I wrap it around my head and I make my way out. His car was a bit far from home just for respect. I knock on the window and he opens the door for me, I jump inside and I'm met by his scent such a clean gent

"sthandwa sami" Him

"are you good?" Me

"yea I'm alright, are you good?" Him

"I'm doing alright, just a bit tired" Me

"I'm sorry, I'm actually happy to see, I miss you so much you come here" Him

He plants a kiss on my forehead, I smile and we look at each other for quite some time just admiring one other I couldn't stop giggling in between. I finally decide to look away, I let out a light sigh accompanied by a smile and I shift my body away from him while looking outside the window such a beautiful scenary it is, I could still feel his eyes on me I turn to look at him

"ngiyakuthanda yezwa?" (I love you okay?) Him

"I love you too" Me

"check the back seat" Him

I turn my head around and I'm met by all the junk you can think of and my favorite! roses, I still can't believe I didn't notice all these things when I got inside, he takes everything at the back

"sthandwa sami" I say in a soft voice while taking things in his hands

"thank you so much, when last did I have chocolate!" Me

When I'm going through something that involves my ancestors, Khoza taught me not to eat any dairy because it might mess with my emotions, evrytime I am on a mission of some sort I must be pure now that I've taken a break from consultations and trying to find answers I can eat anything I like and it's so cute of him to be thoughtful.

" vula sidle" Him

I burst in laughter

"these are mine please buy your own" Me

We both laugh

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