Chapter 36

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I'll never heal from what Thingolwenkosazana did. It is very understandable that she wasn't in a right state of mind. The person in her was fuming with anger. I never voice my feelings but truth be told I pretend as if everything is fine but deep down ngifuna ukuziphindiselela just for my dad. Sending her to jail is not an option. Taking her power is what is only right. For her to feel the pain she has made me feel. Langa was shot 3 months ago right after the wedding and the whole Thingo scandal of going to jail. We had to lay him to rest, I haven't healed from that also. It something that happened in a blink of an eye no one was expecting it and no one has answers as to why it happened and who did it. People don't want to speak about it, its like it is something that didn't happen. I can't say Thingo mustn't perform her rituals but we are still mourning and on a search to finding people who did this to Langa. I don't understand why she couldn't wait for 6 months atleast then have this ceremony. My spirit and my soul is not at peace, I am not pleased about how things are being done.
We bid our goodbyes and we hit the road. The time was 21:30. My brothers didn't want to leave they were having the time of their lives. Unfortunately Britney had to catch a flight early in the morning. The festive season is approaching and she's getting booked left, right and centre. Mvelo is going back to Cape Town for his last semester.

"You've been really quiet, what's happening?" Yolanda asks

"Who? Me?"

"Yes, you" Yolanda

"No I am just tired, work has been hectic lately" Me

"ohh I see" Yolanda

She looks at me and takes her phone to connect. I gently touch her and I give an indication that I'd like to drive in silence.

"Mvelo just texted me saying that they are going to Florida" Britney

"To do what?" I ask

"To have a good time" Yolanda

"No those people are already drunk, tell Mvelo that they must drive straight home." Me

I fail to understand how Mvelo and Tumi think. We just came back from a serious ceremony that involves ancestors.

"Let me call Khetha" Me

"Khethamahle" Me

"Yebo bhuti" Khetha

"Please do me a favor and follow Mvelo and Tumi, they telling me that they are going to Florida" Me

"Alright I will, giving them a car was definitely a bad idea, I told you guys" Khetha

"That doesn't matter now, just make sure they are safe" Me

"It actually does matter Qaphelani, we wouldn't be sacrificing our sleep for these two" Khetha

"It's fine I'll do it myself"

I drop the call and I ask Yolanda to call Mvelo but he wasn't picking up, we tried calling Tumi also but he was also not picking up. I ask Khetha to call them but they were still not picking up. I calm down taking a different route to Florida to wait for them. Yolanda was really exhausted the time was 23:12 and there was no sight of them. My phone rings..

"Khetha, were you able to get hold of them?" Me

" Qaphelani ! Please rush to Nandi drive" Khetha

My heart sinks. Nothing was telling me to speed up on the freeway, I took my time to get there and the feeling of uncertainty that I was feeling was coming to life. Tumi and Mvelo were laying on the floor covered up and at that moment I knew that I had messed up. Khetha was sitting on the side of the road with his knees on his face. Britney was on her knees crying and screaming. I didn't have to ask anyone I just knew it. I felt tears rolling down my cheecks and that was it for me. How do I explain it at home. I thought I was the soldier of the family but I had failed them. My calling, my mom, my dad and my siblings. I was supposed to be their shield and I failed them. Langa and I really tried but I messed it up.

I run to the scene to make sure that it is what I think it is and yes it is. They are both gone. I couldn't live with it, I failed to cry afterwards. I rush back to my car. Yolanda was so nervous you could see it in her eyes. She wanted to give me a hug but I refused. I took a gun under my seat and I pointed it at myself. She started screaming and crying for help but it was too late because I had pulled the trigger and that was the end of me.

The end

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