Chapter 21

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Thingo broke my heart for real, the woman I really love murdered my father on top of that she left without telling anyone. Her minute she's in jhb next minute Pretoria she's on the road. she doesn't care I've accepted it, she didn't even apologize for her actions she just left. I had fallen in love with her deeply and I even framed a poor man, I framed one of the guards to take Thingo's fall and paid him thousands of rands to leave, I give him his monthly salary to be fair, I knew they wouldn't kill him even though Lunga was persistent. If they found out that Thingo was the one behind it, Lunga was going to kill her straight away.

Today I'm going home it's been 2 years since Hlase was murdered by my ex girlfriend, I want to check on MaSishi, after the funeral everyone left, I think I'm the only one who's been checking her, she's been telling me that I need to marry Thingo because she thinks she's the one, really what if I like someone else, I haven't reached out to her yet, what am I supposed to say "hey I know it's been 2 years but please marry me".

I take my keys I lock the door, I get inside the car I put my phone on the charger and there's a knock on the window I look up, it's a face I don't recognize but damn who is she, dark skinned, tall but not tall enough to be my height, her braids tied up, heals with a long brown dress that hugs her

"hey" I say rolling down the window

"I'm sorry to bother you my name is Zizipho Phewa, I live down the road"

Why is she telling me this information, she continues

"I thought I should pass by and ask if Mvelo is here"

"I'm sorry Mvelo who?" Me

"Mvelwenhle Khoza" Zizipho

"oh you mean my brother, he's not here, what makes you think he's here?"

"oh I thought...when I know what, it's okay please tell him that he must call me it's urgent I might be pregnant"

Saying I am shocked is an understatement, it has to be a joke

"what's your name again?" Me


"okay Zizipho I'll let him know"

I didn't want to ask more questions, she left and I started the engine, I don't even communicate with my brothers especially Mvelo we have our issues, I don't even think it's a good idea to tell Qaphelani this, the news were delivered to me for me to tell Mvelo. I got home after an hour I didn't make any stops, I find MaSishi in the kitchen

"Mah" Me

"I wasn't expecting you, what are you doing here"

she gives me a long hug, patting my back

"it's my home after all" my lips crack into a smile

She let out a huge sigh and goes back to her pots

"are you okay"


"ey mntanami things are bad" Her

"I'm listening" I jump on top of the kitchen counter and I sit comfortably

"go and greet aunt Grace she's not well, I think she's next, I'll dish up for you"

Next? I don't want to argue with her, I decide to go to my room, I put sweatpants and a sweater, I check my phone for important messages, I need to be at pmb on Monday I have a meeting with a farmer, if I could own my own farm I'm sure Hlase would be proud wherever he is. I go to her room and she's sleeping, I close her door I make my way to the kitchen

"here's your food"

"tell Ntando that food is ready"

I go to the dining room and find Ntando on his phone



" food is ready" Me

"you know Khetha..." Ntando

what does this boy want from me now , I don't really like him, I don't have a specific reason, it's one of those, where you just don't like someone and I think he knows

"you can't act like you don't know that someone from this household has to marry Thingo, sooner than later" Ntando

Ngibingelelwa ngalezi zindaba really

"has to?" Me

"do you still love Thingo? " he asks

"yes "

I realize I answered that question without even thinking about it

He raises his eyebrow 

"she's about to turn 21 if I'm not mistaken , who wants to get married at 21 and besides the last time I saw her, it was the day of the funeral, she's probably living a happy life with a Jamaican man"

"Hlase 21 or not it has to happen because if she doesn't want to , we'll lose  family members like this (he makes a clicking sound with his fingers) , I still don't understand how Khoza passed away, it was supposed to be Qaphelani and-"

"what do you mean Qaphelani?"


"Mah?" she was standing behind me this whole time

"mmh" she says putting plates on the table

"Qaphelani had to die?"

Mah looks at Ntando and Ntando point his head down, I guess this was a secret

"for the family to stop killing maidens your father had to kill his son"

"and he's the one who died?"

my dad was supposed to let this thing go a long time ago, it has escalated 

" if we don't take action as in yesterday, things will go from bad to worse, Ntando has been having dreams and he's confused because he doesn't know what's going on and I'm glad he tells me his dreams"

"so isangoma sala ekhaya uNtando? " Me

"it's not even like that, the boy is gifted, you need to marry Thingo before this year ends because if you don't we might be forced to kill innocent maidens which won't make sense because we know who we really want"

"who do you want?"

I am not excluding myself in this


"Thingo must die?"

Her face changes, it's like she wasn't expecting that question

"ay I didn't raise a fool Khetha, she needs to take the Khoza surname, her father's grandmother and your grandfather's father had a thing and apparently Nomkhitha... Khetha you know this story come on" Her

Uncle sikisi told us about a granny called Nomkhitha, that was before Britney, Zakithi and I were disowned by ubaba, I didn't think it was true

"you must make a plan that's the only way to save this family otherwise, we'll keep killing for no reason and we'll end up killing each other"

well Thingo has paved the way

Zimpande Zamathonga (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now