The Wedding 2/2

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I woke up to the preparations of Umabo, it wasn't going to take the whole day. I was sitting in one of the rondavels waiting for my family to come so we can go to the kraal and distribute the gifts.

"Makoti someone is here to see you" says Khethamahle's cousin

"okay" I say taking a cloth on the tray and I wipe my hands

Before I lift my head I feel his presence and his scent I smile a little before lifting my head up, I missed him so much having to respect the elders and keep our distance wasn't easy, I haven't touched him in a while

"KaManzini" he says in a soft tone kneeling in front of me

"yes" I say trying to hide the excitement on my face

"uyaphila?" (you good?) Khetha

"yes, how are you doing?" Me

" I'm a bit tired but I'm good now that I've seen you" Khetha

"same" I say playing with my fingers looking down

"wase uba namahloni?" (why are you shy all of a sudden?) he says laughing taking my hand

"nothing.. anyways when is this thing starting?" I ask smiling

"ngiyakuthanda yezwa?" (I love you, okay? " Khetha

Did he just ignore that question, this man?! I smile a bit, I feel my heart racing a little when last did I hear that from him this is what I signed up for

" ngiyakuthanda nami" (I love you too) Me

"come here" he comes close to my face and his scent hits my nostrils and I could feel his hot hair on my face.. He kisses me slowly holding my waist a bit tight I then kiss him back, I missed him so much reminds me of the day he fetched me here, it didn't even click to me that I was kissing a total stranger little did I know that he was going to be my husband one day

"hey!! Khethamahle!!" MaSishi

I jumped with fear which caused me to push Khetha

"Mah" I say with a trembling voice

She gives us a dead stare


Khetha stands up slowly scratching his head looking at MaSishi

"your family is here, they are going to fetch you and you will go to the kraal, Khetha.. Qaphelani is looking for you" She says exiting

Khethamahle plants a kiss on my cheek and he tells me he'll see me later,my family was already outside he tells them to come inside and they do as they are told. All my aunts were here and my cousins they looked way too excited they even had matching outfits which is really cute they went all out for me

"how are you feeling?" my granny asks

"I'm good gogo, thank you" Me

"Good, dress up the time is ticking" aunt zethu

I quickly dress up and they sing for me as we go to the kraal, we get there and they start distributing the gifts everyone seemed really happy, 60% of the people who were there I wasn't familiar with but my close friends and family were there, I look around so I can see Khetha and my eyes meet Sandile standing with keesha, my heart starts racing I never liked Keesha from the beginning, obviously I wouldn't show it but why is she with Sandile make everything make sense

"my whole mood just changed, I don't want to be here" I whisper to my cousin

"why?" she asks

"I just saw someone I don't want to see" Me

"who?" she asks looking around

"don't look around, you know Keesha right?" Me

"yes" Her

"the guy standing with her" Me

She looks in their direction

"isn't that girl with Mvelo?" Her

"I'm so confused" Me

My cousin tells my gran that I need to use the bathroom real quick, she wasn't happy about it but she let us go.. We walked out the kraal and we went behind one of the rondavels

"what's happening cuz?" Her

"the guy, we had a thing" Me

"no ways mzala!" she says clapping her hands once

"don't be like that" I say pushing her shoulder

"just don't mind him, he doesn't have a chance anymore you are someone's wife now" Her

I could feel my blood boiling but my cousin told me to calm down

"such a stalker! Let's go back" Her

We then make our way back to the kraal

I don't know why Keesha brought me here, she knew about my relationship with Thingo and tell me the reason of bringing me all the way to watch the girl I love get married

"I don't know why I'm even here,look at the way she looks at him" Me

"relax and enjoy the show that's about to unfold" Keesha

"really dude, I must watch Thingo touching this man over there are you mad! I'm leaving" I say taking my things on the chair

"Sandile! Sandile! Just fucken relax man you wanna cause a scene?" Keesha

"Keesha what was the point?" Me

"just a minute please" Keesha

I just stood there watching Thingo giving him gifts, smiling and touching him. I can't believe this is the reason why she left me

"I can't do this" Me

I take my things and I walk to my car, two police vans park inside the gate and they walk straight to the kraal, I quickly go back this must be interesting

"Thingolwenkosazana Zungu you are under arrest for murdering Mr Qalumuzi Khozi" Policeman

The whole yard went dead silent, people started whispering to each other, Thingo's face changed immediately. She kept on looking at her husband who just froze on the spot, this can not be true. They take her to the van and people were left with questions

This is honestly madness how did they know! Khethamahle told them! I was in tears the whole time, I didn't even see my father he's probably dying wherever he is. I sit quietly in the van and the drive was too short for my liking, I was ordered to go to the cell and they said will update me on the case and when I need to go to court. I had already given up, the truth was already out and the only person that can save me is my dad if he believes that I didn't do it, it was over for me.

Zimpande Zamathonga (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now