Chapter 15

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This boy is playing with my mind Khetha is such a sweet gent,he looks like he does athletics he's tall like really tall, handsome not dark but not light skinned either, he smells so good, pink lips, he has that strong jaw.

My dad was actually happy to see me. I had to lie and say Qaphelani dropped me off. I wake up and I decide to do past papers I'm starting my exams in a week, they wanted me to drop out and start afresh next year, no ways I was studying every day even though it wasn't easy. I spent the whole day in my study room.

My dad comes in


"Baba" Me

"you need to rest, you can't overwork yourself like this"

"I'm about to finish dad" Me

"you need a break"

"about that, may I go out with a friend? " Me

"who's that friend?"

"ahh dad" Me

"where? "

"he said Dante" Me

"oh it's a he"

"hawu baba" Me


"also please drop me off at Dante" Me

"ay Thingo, I'm busy"

"pretty please" Me

"okay, at what time?"

"now at 17:00" Me

He gave me the dead stare and he said I must get ready, 30 minutes later, we made our way out and we got there at 17:25, he said he'll pick me up at 21:00. I get inside and I look for Khetha, he waves at me, I go to him and he gives me a long ass hug which felt really good. I sit down and we order some food

"you look really beautiful " he says looking deep in my eyes

"thank you, you're not bad yourself"  Me

We laugh

"so you're an influencer huh?" I say taking my phone

"you an influencer also? " Khetha

"ahh I don't consider myself as an influencer" Me

"come on, you should be getting payed for your content" he takes a bite from his steak

I look at him intensively

"what?" he says smiling

"nothing" I eat my salad and drink wine

"so how old are you?" Khetha

"I'm 18,well I turned 18, 3 months ago and I didn't enjoy my 18th shem"

" why, what happened?"


"gogo" Khetha palm clapping twice

We laugh

"so where did you do it?" Khetha

"kwaBhukula" Me

He chocked 

"Khetha!, are you okay?" Me

"yea I'm good sorry, so how was the experience? " Khetha

" well at first, I thought I was going to die but I had to take a decision to-" Me

I realize I'm oversharing

"the experience was good though, it wasn't easy" Me

"I see" he looks at me as if he knows something

"what?" I ask straight away

"nothing I'm just admiring your beauty" Khetha

He just brushed that off

"aww thank you" I say sarcastically

We eat and we decide to do this bad idea, we went live on his Instagram:

oh y'all are cute

When's your next match Khetha?

Khetha who's this, she's pretty

aww my girl Tings with Khetha

Y'all look really nice, I like your outfits

Where can I get that sweater Tings

You are a sangoma now? How's life?

Y'all should collaborate

I see Mvelo's comment :
Thingolwenkosazana how dare you!

I don't know if Khetha noticed, I decide to end the live, we said our goodbyes , We had so much fun though and the love we received was amazing, we were just answering their questions and laughing the whole time, this made me fogert about my real world, reality, I didn't even know he played basketball, we left Dante at about 18:45

"Do you mind going to my place?" him

"I mind actually, I don't even know you" Me

"come on, we'll have ice cream and watch a movie"

At that moment Mvelo is buzzing my phone non stop, we left the restaurant and we went to his car, such a clean freak, we got to his house in less than 15 minutes it wasn't far

"so you stay alone?" Me

"yea" Him

"where's your family?" Me

"I left my family , I'll be right back"

This place is really nice actually, I took a stroll around the house admiring the portraits on the wall

"which movie do you want to watch" Khetha shouting in another room

"let's watch Get Out!"

He came back with alot of snacks and ice-cream

"I have vanilla ice cream, chocolate, strawberry and these snacks , oh I have sweets also"

I ran for chocolate ice-cream

"ah my favorite, thank you " Me

"you're welcome" Him

My phone kept on buzzing again

"I think you should take that call" Him

I answer the call

Me: hello
Mvelo: Thingo are you mad?
Me:you can't be shouting at me like that please
Mvelo: where are you? Awuvalelisanga ku baba
Me: he knows, you're the only person who doesn't know, I texted him the other day, I knew you were going to overreact like you are right now
Mvelo: I see
Me:okay bye, goodnight
Mvelo: tell Khetha.. Actually never mind

He drops the call, I've never been so confused in my life. Khetha just looked at me waiting for me to say something.

"what?" Me

"ay nothing, let's watch this movie so I can take you home before your dad hunt me down" Him

"oh uyangixosha" Me

We laugh

I lay on his chest and we ended up not watching the movie, I started telling him about my experience at Khoza's but I couldn't mention the fact that I ended up joining the family tradition and I didn't tell him about Mvelo, I didn't want to give out too much information, after few hours he took me home and we shared the longest kiss, I don't know I think I'm falling for this Khethamahle gent.

Zimpande Zamathonga (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now