Chapter 32

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Truth be told, I wasn't worried about me going to prison because if you go back to the beginning of my life story you will realize that I mentioned that my dad is the richest man in KZN and if you continue reading you will note that  he owns the biggest law firm in the province, people who tried to bring me down didn't realize that,What I was worried about was my reputation in the Khoza family, I'm so embarrassed by this but why did I think I will get away with it, I spent the whole day thinking about how they could have found out because I doubt Khetha would do that to me

"Thingolwenkosazana Zungu, someone is here to see you" police

They open for me and I walk to the visitors station, my dad was there in a black suit with his legs crossed, he seemed too relaxed for my liking I could also feel his eyes on me which intimidated me, I sat down across him and no one was in this room just me and him. We sat quietly for a good 2 minutes, he clears his throat

"tell me what bullshit is this?" Him


"I'm speaking to you" he says in a low tone


"listen I need you to tell me the truth right now, what's happening?" Him


"Thingolwenkosazana!" his voice became firm and I knew that I had to answer immediately because I might just find myself spending a week here

"Dad.. It was a mistake, I wasn't in the right state of mind everything happened way too fast, I don't know how I even-" Me

"why didn't you tell me?" Him

"I was scared" Me

"of what exactly?" Him


"who knew about this?" Him

"Khetha" I say wiping tears on my checks, saying I'm hurt by this is an understatement

"so he sold you out?" Him

"I don't know dad" Me

"I spoke to my colleagues, we were able to delete the footage and get that girl's phone Keesha and delete everything she had, we are going home but don't get too excited, I don't want you near that Khoza family if it was up to me, I'll be sending you to Spain for the rest of your life, I've tried to be patient with this madness and it's getting out of hand, you spent how many hours here did your new family come to visit you, did your so called husband come to check if you are doing well, no he didn't. Thingo do me a favor and stay the hell out of that family! " Him

Tears were running down my cheeks, I felt my heart being ripped apart,I didn't even know there was a footage I felt betrayed all I wanted was my bed, I took my things in the front office and we left, I was happy that I wasn't spending another night in that cell because it's not easy. I was silently crying from the station KwaBhukula to Durban.

when I finally switched my phone on people were bashing me on social media that how can I be so cruel, I was hoping I get a message from Khetha but nothing. I took a quick shower and I decided to just sleep and forget about what happened even though I knew I'll wake up and feel more pain.. I slowly close my eyes and I dive in the river, I swim to the other side where I'm met by an old lady who looks familiar she cups my face and pushes me in the river, I saw my life flash before my eyes I couldn't swim properly I felt as if I am drowning

"Thingo! Thingolwenkosazana!" Aunt zuzu

I woke up immediately and my head was pounding, I knew for sure that danger was on my way there's something that's not adding up in my life, aunt zuzu gives me food and she tells me that Khetha is at the door, I allow him to come in and he sits next to me

"were you having a bad dream?" Khetha

I look at him while crossing my arms and sitting comfortably on my bed

"let's pray close your eyes" Khetha

I look at him and he closes his eyes anyways

"Lord thank you for the day you gave us today, we thank you for looking after us,thank you for everything. We pray for better days and for that you direct us in everything we do. Amen" Khetha

"Amen" Me

"how are you doing ?" Khetha

"I'm numb actually, I just want to sleep but I don't think I'll get proper sleep with all these dreams" Me

"you'll be fine sthandwa sami" Khetha

"Thank you, is dad downstairs?" Me

"yea but he said he's leaving soon, he told me that he doesn't want you to go to KwaBhukula" Khetha

"how's the family doing?" Me

"they are okay, they are just worried about you especially MaSishi she's really worried, when she heard that you are back she wanted to come with me but I refused" Khetha

"i feel bad but I don't want to go to prison" Me

"let's rather not speak about that" Khetha

"how did the police know?" Me

"I don't know" Khetha

"who did you tell Khetha?" Me


"Khetha" I say in a soft voice and tears in my eyes

"Qaphelani knew it was you on the day the incident happened" Khetha

"but why did he wait for this amount of time to report it?" Me

"Keesha" Khetha

"Keesha? What about her?" I could feel my blood boiling, this girl took it too far for real and how did she know

"Qaphelani wanted to report the matter I think a month ago and I begged him not to, he said he'll go and take the evidence and give it to the police" Khetha

"how is that Keesha's business though" I could feel my anger rising because why isn't he getting to the point

"there was a time where Keesha stayed at Qaphelani's place because Lunga wasn't feeling her and stuff so that's where she heard the whole conversation, Qaphelani spoke to her and she agreed to keep it to herself " Khetha

"Keep it to herself !!! Jesus Khetha!!!" Me

"just let me continue, after that Qaphelani decided that he wasn't going to report anything and we threw the t shirt and the knife" Khetha

"you still had those things! That's risky Khetha the fuck is wrong with you!, this happened ages ago you were determined that you'll report me one day, I feel betrayed" Me

"it's not like that" Khetha

"then what evidence did she bring to the police? " Me

"apparently she had a picture of the t-shirt and the knife" Khetha

"and the police just believed her? Really?" Me

"she had the footage also, that I thought I deleted that was on my laptop, she went to my place and digged for things and that's what she found" Khetha

"just wow, please leave Khetha" Me


"just fucken leave please!" Me

He stands up and leaves, I close my door and I let out a loud scream what did I even do to this girl, why is she digging in my personal things, I just have to be grateful that she didn't post this on social media because that would have been the death of me,I can't thank my dad enough also.

Zimpande Zamathonga (unedited) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin