Chapter 21

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~Sammy's POV~

I came just in time, and luckily shoved (Y/N) away from Bertrum's attack. 

"Looks like you're not in good shape, aren't you?" I tease, only to be shocked when I see her face.

Ink has done a very good job at infecting her, and it's not about to stop.

(Y/N) opens her eyes looking at me with her iconically calm expression, but this time it looks like she almost cries.

"It's ok then. That's your shepherd's responsibility for protecting you, right my Little Sheep?" I smile as I take (Y/N) to the smaller room where Bertrum's attacks can't reach her. I place her against a wall. She's about to say something but I shush her. "Take a rest. You must be tired right now. I will handle things fast, and then tell me what you want to say after that, will you?"

(Y/N) nods her head in agreement. I leave her there and return to the giant octopus ride. Bertrum Piedmont. I have to admit his theme park would be a hit if the studios didn't go bankrupt. It must be worth to visit tho. His wide face in the steel cage looks directly at me. Steam is emitted, and a mix of oil and ink coming from him is spraying continuously.

"Hey Bertrum, could you please let me pull the level behind that door? I promise me and this little girl out there will get out right away after that." I try to reason with the architect, but he doesn't seem to care. I almost take damage from his onslaught.

 I spot an axe on the ground and quickly grab it. That means I have to destroy this ride.

"You give me no choice. Alright then. Just don't blame me for this. All for her sake." I murmur the last part. 

I grip the axe tightly, then quickly dodge Bertrum's attacks. When I have chances, I chop his joints one by one, until all of his arms broken. The whole room shakes as Bertrum screams in agony. The wooden panels slowly close, hiding his face inside. The metal door nearby opens revealing a level. I switch it and go back to (Y/N) to see that the little girl's already slumbering peacefully. Well, she must be very exhausted. I slightly yawn. Guess I have to rest, too. I sit next to her trying not to make her jolt and relax myself.

I have a lot of questions that need her to answer anyway.



Sammy... He's still OK... What a relief...

I want to tell him how glad I am to know that he's still safe, but my eyes are getting so watery. Fortunately, he shushes me and tell me to rest then we could talk after him done with Bertrum. I want to help him, but my limps don't seem to obey me. So I just press my back against the wall, praying for Sammy, and closing my eyes...

"What a relief, right?"

Ugh, that voice again.

I open my eyes. I am in some kind of... portal? Everything is all black. It's not dark 'cause I'm still able to see myself. It's just black. Black... as ink. I look at my hands. Nothing but ink. I wonder if I slit my hand, what will come out. Crimson blood or black ink?

...Nope, I'm not gonna do it. The question is: How did I get there? And how to get out?

"Strange." My inner self speaks behind me. "It's not like what you would say. You're acting like you have changed."

"You're back, huh? Just on time. I have something to ask you..." I turn around choking on my words. My inner self... She... Half of her body... It's not ink anymore. It's human flesh...

It's my flesh...

Her face... It's left side became left half of my face, with (E/C) color eye. Her hair now appears. She looks just like me... of course she's my inner self. But her height... She's much shorter than me, as if she was me when I was young.

"Ask me? Is that why I look like this now?" She grins. Why do I feel uncomfortable with that grin?

"I already knew the reason, you could say that." I raise on of my hand. "Parts with human skin of yours are taken from me, the one who is slowly infected by ink. The more I become ink, the more you become human. And that's not what I want to know."

"Me"claps her hands at the answer excitedly like a child.

"Very well! Then what do you want to ask me?"

"Sammy is here. Good to know he's still OK. But how about Buddy? Where did you take both of them to? And why did you make a deal or two with two of the most dangerous one in this studios? What did you promise to them? And what did they do to both of them? And where the fuck is your so-called safe place? And what happened to dad?"

"Calm down, that's too many questions. I can only give you answers of half of them.-"

"Why not all?"

She simply snickers.

"It's not fun anymore if I do that."

...Is there anyway to kill this brat?

"Teehee, I'm just kidding." She giggles. "I will let you find it yourself~."


"Open your eyes. It's time to wake up~." With that stupid smile on her face, my FUCKING inner self disappears, and everything becomes so bright. 



I pant, but quickly get hold of myself. 

'Welp... more reasons for my self-loathing.'

"Kid? You don't seem very-"

"Well? Nope. I feel very good. I just... had a nightmare I think..."

"Nightmare? But you only took a nap?" Sammy stares at me with suspicious eyes.

"So take it as a bad dream. Sorry for making almost have a heart attack." I rub my temple. Gosh, it's so terribly embarrassing. I look around. The octopus ride is broken. "We don't have anything to do here anymore. Let's go and find the last level." I'm about to stand up, but Sammy pull me down.

"Do you want a little while to talk? We'll go after that." Sammy offers smiling under his mask.

"We have done that once."

"It doesn't mean we can't have another one. Besides. you owe me an explanation about what you did lately."

I think for a few second. Keep it a secret doesn't help anything but mess everything up. Due to what happened in Sammy's memory, he must know something about the so-called inner self. 

I decide to tell him what happened around me lately.

Set Us Free, My Little Sheep (Sammy X Depressed! Reader) (SlowUpdate,Sorry!!!)Where stories live. Discover now