Chapter 12

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~Third POV~


There were multiple ambulances and police cars parked around a car accident.

A little girl with (H/C) hair was rescued from the accident. She fainted at first, but she soon regained her consciousness.

"Mommy...? Daddy...?" She muttered slightly. Then she slowly walked to the scene of the accident. Someone prevent her from doing that but fail. At first, she was petrified of what she saw. Then she started to cry her eyes out.


A piece of her heart was broken.


"You pathetic!" A woman slapped a little girl with (E/C) eyes. "Why don't you just tell me where's your parents' saving?"

"I-I really d-don't k-know!" The girl answered covering her face, shakingly. "I-I'm so sor-ry, auntie! P-please f-forgive m-me!"

"I see that you haven't learnt your lesson." The woman said. Then she threw the girl into the storehouse.

"N-no! No p-please, auntie! Please! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Please d-don't lock me in there!!!" She cried out but to no avail, she was still locked in the storehouse.

"P-please let me o-out! It's d-dark! Please don't l-lock me in! I'm... scared...!" The girl cried. She was alway being punished like that though she did nothing wrong.

Another piece of her heart was broken.


"Hey... Sammy?" (Y/N) asked shyly.

"Yes, my little sheep?"

"Is it true that... I am the cursed child who only know how to torment everyone I love?"

"...What makes you think that?" Sammy frowned slightly as he asked her.

"I mean... everytime I smile, or cry, or show any emotions, mom, dad and my friends always get into real trouble. Sometimes it becomes more terrible, just like what happened... to my real parents..." (Y/N) stated. Her eyes became watery.

"Hey, kid?"

"Ye- OUCH!" She was about to reply, but end up being flicked in the forehead. She rubbed her forehead in pain. "W-why?"

"Just a little punishment." Sammy answered. "Well, listen to me, little sheep! You're NOT a cursed child nor a burden. You ARE my friend!"

"B... but..." (Y/N) didn't know what to say. She just looked down at the floor.

"Hey, look at me!" Sammy said to her. "Tell me who said that, so I can punch them in their face and make them regret hurting you."

"W-wait! You don't have to..."

"What? You don't want me to do that? Ok then! I will torture them."

"...I thought you would say "Just kidding"..."

"I'm not kidding! I'm SERIOUS!"

Yes, he was really serious.

(Y/N) widen her eyes in shock. She didn't know why, but her tears started to roll down on her cheeks.

"(Y/N)? Are you crying? Did I make you sad?" Sammy asked awkwardly. He gently wiped her tears.

"N-no, I'm just... happy... I... I can't believe I could hear those words... one day... Thank you, Sammy!"

Then she smiled. She hadn't done that for a long time.

"Hey, you finally smile!"

"...I do?"

Then Sammy ruffled her hair.

"You should smile more often. Your smile suits you."

(Y/N) thought a bit before looking up at Sammy.

"I will!"

Then she gave him a big smile.


"...All the workers of Joey Drew Studios went missing. The police couldn't find any of the bodies..." The news reporter stated.

(Y/N) was watching TV with Henry and Linda. The Steins froze at the news. They looked at (Y/N) who appeared calm.

"What did she say, mommy?" She asked pointing at the TV.

"...Nothing sweetie! I guess you should go to bed now. Me and your dad have to do something..."

"...Ok mom!"

Then (Y/N) slowly go to her room.

Lying on the bed, she couldn't sleep. She knew what the reporter said, but she didn't want her adoptive parents to worry. A tear rolled down on her cheek. Covering her face with her pillow, she couldn't stop crying.

'They're missing... Sammy's missing... because of me...' She blamed herself. 'If I hadn't smiled, they wouldn't disappear... It's all my fault... I really am a burden... I really am a CURSED CHILD!!! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my FAULT!!!'

(Y/N) could felt her heart break into pieces. She became so numb.


Someone kicked (Y/N) in the stomach while a crowd was egging on them.

"How do you feel, little b*tch? Does that make you hurt~?" (Enemy's name)/(E/N) asked. (Y/N) said nothing. She looked at (E/N) with dull eyes then stood up and walking away. That made (E/N) annoyed.

"Where do you think you are going, you depressed?." They said as they kicked (Y/N) in the face.Then they beat her up as the crowd continued cheering until the school bell rang.

"I'm not finished with you!" (E/N) said then walked away.

(Y/N) was used to all of this. She felt nothing, even the pain. There were some bruises on her face. In spite of that, her face was blank... because all of her emotions were gone. There was nothing left but emptiness.

'Go ahead and hit me if you want. After all, I'm still the one to blame...'

Her relatives threatened her when she was at home, and (E/N) bullied her everytime that she met them. But she kept suffering. She didn't tell anyone, even Henry and Linda. Because she didn't want them to worry about her, she move out to live alone. When it was the last straw, she decided to get over it.

By killing herself.

...But she failed.

A/N: Sorry for taking it so long! I just lacked of idea. But here the chapter 12. This may be ridiculous, but yes, this is the reason why (Y/N) is depressed.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, dear Readers! ❤❤❤

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