Chapter 6

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~Your POV~

Boris is very kind. He lets us stay at the safehouse, prepares bedroom for us, and he even prepares bathroom for me. Well I don't think I need to take a shower, but Boris and Sammy urge me. So I do, not forgetting to bring a bottle of sleeping pills. Why, huh? I just find it hard to get to sleep.

The water makes my wound sting a bit but it's fine. Looking at my right arm, I notice there's an inky scar which Bendy caused me. It's not serious at all, so I just ignore it.

I wear the same hoodie and the same skirt. I look the mirror. It reflects a seedy, dull, pale and lifeless figure. It's me. I take the bottle of sleeping pills, take out 2 pills and eat them without water. Taste like pills. I turn around, but something appears at the corner of my eyes. Something's black like ink. Then it disappears. Maybe I just imagine, so I brush it off and decide to go to sleep.

Sammy is in the hammock, waving. I wave back.
"How do you feel?" He asks.
"I'm better, thanks." - I reply. Picking up the Bendy plushie, I lie on a bed near the hammock, hug the plushie and try to sleep. But the thoughts keep flooding in my mind.
'I have been here for a day, maybe. I wonder what are mom and dad doing. Do they know that I'm in the studios? Of course no, because I didn't tell them. Are they worried about me?'
I realize that there's no text from them.
'Maybe not. It's not important for them to worry about a mess like me.'

The phone seems to buzz, but I don't care anymore. Then I fall asleep.
Tomorrow will be a long day.

~Sammy's POV~

(Y/N) may fall asleep. I can feel that. Well, I can't believe it's been 10 years since I last saw her. She changed so much. But she's still the same (Y/N) that I know.
I look at her. She is hugging a plushie which is her first gift. She told me and I remember that.
"It's good to see you again, my little sheep!" - I murmur, smiling.

I take off the mask and close my eyes.

~???'s POV~

"The number you have dialed is not available at the moment. Please try again later."
Damn it! This is the 50th missed call that I have phoned (Y/N) but there's no response. God, I feel so fucking nervous right now! Linda tells me that (Y/N) isn't at home at the moment, worriedly. When we visited her this morning, she wasn't at home. When we returned in the afternoon, she wasn't, either. So that mean: She's been gone for about a day! Is that because of those terrible people? I mean those relatives and those girls. AGH! I hate them so much! Or she just came to her friend's house? Impossible! Her best friends have moved away. So... No! No no NO! Please don't tell me that she went to the studios! I'm really worried. We are REALLY WORRIED! Why? Because she's our daughter, although we're not related. And we love her, no matter what. I have to go to find her. Linda tells me that she'll help me, too. But now, we have to get some sleep. We can't find her if we're both tired. However, we can't sleep...

Set Us Free, My Little Sheep (Sammy X Depressed! Reader) (SlowUpdate,Sorry!!!)Where stories live. Discover now