🐷 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 🐷

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"Fuckk" Ji Xiangkong cursed while tearing the paper.

"Ayo so frustrating!" Xiangkong whined and plopped himself on his bed.

"Even talking to dada is easy" Xiangkong pouted.

He and his dad were now on good terms like before. Though they still bicker like Tom And Jerry. They love each other the most.

Xiangkong felt so happy that now his family is the same as he wished. He just loves life but one thing that's messing up is his confession!

"Ayaaaaaaaa Gu Yiyee why did you confess now I have to reply to you too BUT HOWWW" Xiangkong cried while shaking his legs and arms like a toddler.

"Aish that ling being a playboy sucks at advices. He told me to write a love letter but Aishh I don't even know any pickup lines" he whined again.

He stood up in front of the mirror "Gu Yiye I love you Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked his reflection but the next moment he plopped on the bed again.

"Ayaaaaaaaa" he rolled on his bed crazily. He tried every idea given by Xia Ling but felt that was boring.

Suddenly the non-existing bulb in his brain lit up. He smiled "Idea!" He squealed and fished his phone from the table.

He opened Gu Yiye's chat and saw the elder had texted him the address of his apartment. He giggled and stood up "Xiang Xiang now let's propose Yi gege tonight! Jiayou!" He said with determination and ran out of his room.

"Hello," he said running out of his room "Bye," he said and left his house.

"He just-" Mr Ji sighed at his piggy son. "He seems happy since yesterday" Chen Yu shrugged.

Gu Wei smiled knowing the reason 'That's cuz he met his boyfriend hehe who won't be happy'

"Wei? Baby?" Chen yu called Gu Wei after seeing him zoned out.

"Ah yes?" He snapped out of his thoughts and gave a nervous smile to his husband.

"Why wer-" Chen Yu was cut off by Gu Wei who stuffed his mouth with food "I am hunly," he said with a stuffed mouth making everyone chuckle at his cuteness.

"Yah Chen Yu let my son eat peacefully" Mrs Ji scolded gently and continued to have their dinner.


Xiangkong was discharged in the evening and since then he was in his room thinking about how to reply to Gu Yiye.

He went to a mall and bought various stuff that he needed. He didn't have any official list but everything was set up in his mind. He was running like a kid here and there to collect the stuff.

He would giggle to himself now and then and blush suddenly for no reason. The kid was kinda a maniac, that's what others were thinking but they minded their own business.

It was 20 passed 9 when he sighed
"Hah finally everything is done" he paid for everything and dashed back home.

He was about to ring the bell when he realized "wait!? What if dada asks me about this stuff that I bought? What Am I gonna say?" He pouted and took the stuff back he kept the stuff with his bike.

"Who's gonna live here? I'll just change my clothes say that we have practice and sneak out again hehe I am such a genius" he giggled.

He rang the bell continuously until Chen Yu opened the door.

"Have some patience" Chen yu gave him an irritated look "I don't know what's that" Xiangkong smiled innocently. Chen Yu sighed and let him enter.

"Where were you?" Mr Ji asked and Xiangkong pouted "Don't you know any different questions?"

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