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chapter sixteen:happy birthday !

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chapter sixteen:
happy birthday !


WHEN ATHENA WOKE up the next morning, there was only one thing on her mind.

It wasn't that it was opening night — okay, maybe that was definitely somewhere in her mind, but she could stress out about that later. Right now, it was the fact that it was Ricky's birthday. He was turning eighteen, and even though everybody was concentrated on the show, Athena brought everyone together with the idea that they should wake him up together to make his birthday a priority.

As if she couldn't make his birthday a priority. It was literally one of the things she was focused most on when summer began. After everything Ricky had been through in the past year, Athena wanted to make his birthday as special as possible. That was still her goal, even now, with all of the pressure of putting on Frozen.

Athena tip-toed into the Yurt Locker cabin, holding Ricky's wrapped present in her hands. Violetta, Ashlyn, Kourtney, Maddox all followed after her — Gina, for her own reasons, wasn't there. The rest of the boys were awake, and all of them gathered around the cabin, staring at Ricky's figure. Athena instantly smiled at the sleeping state of her boyfriend. He was laying on his back with his hands resting on his stomach.

"Okay, I'm gonna count to three," Carlos instructed.

"On three or after three?" Kourtney asked.

"Not this again."

Maddox apparently couldn't contain herself. "Happy Birthday!"

All of them instantly echoed after her, Athena probably the loudest. She then started to laugh as Ricky got completely startled, thrashing around in his sheets as their wishes scared him.

"And happy opening night to those keeping score," EJ added. "Our show might be in danger, but right now, our focus is Ricky."

Ricky let out a small laugh and sat up. "Guys, you shouldn't have. For real, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"It was Athena's idea," Violetta revealed.

Athena shrugged, giving Ricky a soft smile. "Gotta start your birthday right."

"You're an old man now?" Jet questioned.

"But wait, there's more," Carlos stated as Ricky slid off of his bed.

𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑  ―  r. bowen ³  ✓Where stories live. Discover now