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Note: 18+ Content.

Allie skips her usual stop at the Little Rainbow after work, she doesn't think she can face Caz just yet.

Her legs are weak, her body still buzzing with the high of her orgasm. Andy's words ring in her ears...

He wants her to be only his.

She is not delusional enough to think that he meant it in any other way but as two adults agreeing to exclusively sleep with each other. There is a part of her that no matter how much the world tried to change, and that is the part that she wants to ignore the most right now. Her hopeless romantic tendencies is what keep leading her in the wrong direction. Falling in love is not an option. She had promised herself and him.

Before she gets to her house, someone stops her with a hand on her shoulder. The touch is too weak and quick to unsettle her. When she turns around, she is surprised to see Laurie there.

The woman is actually about an inch taller than her, she can see it now that they are standing so close.

"Ammmm..." Allegra doesn't want to call her Mrs. Barber, she doesn't know her maiden name, and calling her Laurie feels too personal.

"Hey, I was wondering if we could grab a drink? It is a hot day and I am not use to the heat." Laurie looks shy, and Allie pities her enough to agree.

Allie takes them to a wine tasting room that is a small garden with shade surrounded by roses and lavender bushes. At the bar inside they ask for their wine; Chilled Chardonnay with ice cubes for Laurie, a glass of the house Cabernet for Allie. After they are served their glasses, they bring them to a shady table and sit down.

Minutes pass and they don't speak. The patio is empty, and for whoever walked pass, the would look like two friends comfortable in each other's company.

Allie doesn't feel the same way, she feels Laurie taking a good look at her face, as if she is trying hard to read her, but is not having it easy. The thing about people like Allie, that wear their heart on their sleeve for the world to see, is that others don't understand how they do it. How can you be so open and vulnerable? They think it is deceiving, that is fake.

Laurie sure thinks Allie has gained Andy's affection, or whatever is he feels for the girl, by looking all innocent and naive.

"Did you want to say something to me?" Allie asks her.

"As you know, Andy and I are divorced, but we still share a deep love for each other." Laurie starts to say, and Allie bites the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing to her face. She waits for Laurie to continue. "And I care about him very much."

Allie doesn't seem her point.

Laurie sets her glass down and glares at Allie. The server comes and ask them if everything is good, Allie replies that all is well and for the bill. She is not planning on staying for round two.

There is more silence, the server comes back with a black cardholder and puts in in the middle of the table. Neither of them move.

"I don't think is fair for you to take advantage of the situation he is in." Laurie gets to her point after the server leaves.

Allegra is flabbergasted, looking at Laurie as if she has three heads. She could, the woman is a monster.

"And what is that situation according to you?" Allie answers calmly.

If this woman thought she could come here and intimidate her she was in for a surprise.

"It's obvious, he has gone through a divorce, he lost his son, he is in an unfamiliar place... you are young, pretty, easily accessible. Of course he would give in."

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