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1:25am, saturday 12th june 2018.

the two boys laughed as they stuffed their faces more with popcorn. "sung please stop, i will choke and die on this popcorn" minho managed to say without laughing at the younger boys face.

jisung laughed, spitting out all the chewed up popcorn in his mouth causing minho to jump up "ew jisung!"

"sorry! you made me laugh" jisung blamed the lee , minho giving a fake offended face. "don't blame me for your vile habits" the older responded with a small smile.

vile habits? the han thought to himself. he couldn't help but think minho was a hypocrite for that. although it was a joke, it still hit deep.

but regardless, jisung brushed it off. like he always did. anything to avoid a fight.

something else was bugging the younger though. he needed to tell him, why wasn't he ever telling jisung he loved him back? did he not?

jisung cleared his throat before speaking. "hey minho hyung?" minho looked down at the boy and nodded his head as a 'yeah'

the younger didn't really know how to say it, no matter how much he loved minho the older boy would always intimidate him. not to mention, small things always cause a fight.

but he built up the courage and asked, "do you love me?" soon minho's smile turned into a frown.

"well.. of course i do. why'd you ask?" minho tilted his head, looking confused. "but you never say it." there it was. the lump in jisungs throat. it took everything in him not to cry.

minho sighed. he pulled his boyfriend up by both his hands, letting there heads rest together. it was like he was trying to change the subject by being all soft.

before jisung could even come up with something to say, minho spoke again. "jisung, i've never told anyone that i love them. i don't know what it is, i just psychically cant bring myself to say it" now minho felt that same lump in his throat that the younger did.

jisung frowned. "but you do love me. right?" the han whispered, a single tear drop falling from his eye.

"i need a drink" and there it was.

the han felt as if his heart had just shattered and all the pieces were slowly stabbing him. before anything else could be said, the front door slammed.

all of a sudden jisung felt a huge wave of guilt. he should of never asked that. he should of just kept his mouth shut. because now not only has he made the boy he loves more than anything in this world drink, again...

he also just found out the boy he loves more than anything else in this world doesn't love him back.

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