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1:23pm, thursday 16th august 2018.

its been 3 days since minho told jisung he loved him. it was weird. minho finally said the words that jisung wanted to hear so bad for years.

but it didn't feel right.

it didn't feel real. jisung told himself over and over again that minho really did mean it and that the only reason it didn't feel real was because he has wanted to hear those words for so long.

but he just couldn't believe it. he didn't believe that minho loved him. jisung believed it was never going to be him that minho loved.

and today was probably the hardest day.

seungmin was coming over with hyunjin, jeongin and some other friends that minho apparently 'knows' of.

having to face seungmin now was going to be extremely difficult after what happened the other night.

all the things that would run through the brunettes mind was already terrifying him.

"hey jisung!" the han was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't even realise they was already here.

"hey seungmin" jisung mumbled, he really did not like seungmin. in fact, he hated him. seungmin never done anything to jisung, but he still hated him.

minho walked into the room jisung was in with his arm around a guy he had never seen before but somehow recognised. the older laughed and turned his head to his 'lover'.

"hey ji, this is changbin!" the boy with the dark hair just waved at jisung. no hi, no 'hey how are you' just a simple wave?



"okay, lix seriously. you've had enough to drink now." seungmin stumbled as he followed the aussie around the room

he was bashing around the room with a whole bottle of malibu in one hand and a lit up cigarette in the other.

it was chaos. jisung was the only person who hadn't had something to drink. their was a few people there that jisung didn't actually mind.

he liked jeongin, always had. there was another male called 'chan' and jisung really liked him. chan gave off a calm vibe.

'felix' was ok at first, until he started to drink.

"sungie, have something to drink don't be so boring!" a drunk minho yelled from the other side of the living room. the younger rolled his eyes and shook his head, a fake smile spread across his face.

minho groaned "and you wonder why minho never wants you to come out with us" someone bitterly said. but jisung didn't know who, he couldn't recognise the voice.

everyone was laughing at that comment that was made. and that was when jisung had enough.

without saying anything jisung got up and walked upstairs, clearly upset. but no one noticed, nor cared.

the han slammed his bedroom door shut, as he began to sob uncontrollably. what did they mean by that? did minho tell them that he didn't want jisung out with them? it was all too much.

"jisung?" the door opened revealing changbin. jisung quickly wiped his tears to try and hide the fact he was crying, but it was already to late.

the seo sighed and sat down next to jisung without saying a word. he began to cry again. changbin turned his head to loom at the younger and frowned.

"hey, don't let that comment get to you. they really don't know how to control their mouths, especially when their drunk." the dark haired male laughed. but that didn't make jisung feel any better. nothing could change the way he felt right now.

changbin realised that and immediately changed rhe subject. "jisung, i need to tell you something and you may not like it but that fact minho won't tell you is pissing me off."

what was he talking about? jisung turned his head to changbin to signal him to carry on.

"have you ever noticed that minho is extremely close with seungmin? like you know.." changbin asked earring a fast nod from jisung.

"well yeah but apparently they were super close friends when they were teenagers" the younger responded. changbin let out a loud sigh and placed his hand on jisung's shoulder.

"it's not my place to tell you everything but, they used to be in a relationship. seungmin was the only boy minho truly loved. but shit happened and they broke up.. but i guess they came together again"

that was enough to absolutely tear jisung apart. he should of known something wasn't right. he should of fucking known minho was lying.

why was he so stupid. how did he even have hope someone like minho would love him.

"you should of listened to me the first time."

huh? first time? jisung looked at changbins face again. that's when it all came back to him.

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