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11:35am, monday 14th june 2018.

jisung woke up in the arms of his loved one. he smiled as he saw how adorable his lover looked asleep. the two fell asleep late last night as they were up playing video games and watching horror movies.

it was a little awkward when minho came back yesterday morning, but as always they brushed it off and acted like nothing happened.

the older let out a loud groan as he stretched and slowly opened up his eyes to see jisung staring at him.

minho couldn't help but notice how happy jisung looked. he looked like he was staring at a galaxy of many many sparkling stars.

that's how minho's eyes seemed to the younger. his eyes was the best part about him in the youngers opinion. his eyes were beautiful.

"you have the prettiest eyes hyung" jisung complimented the lee, making him smile. "and you look beautiful with your bed hair" minho smirked as he so effortlessly made the younger blush.

"i heard there's musicians playing at our café wednesday, we should go" the older suggested, which only made jisung's smile widen. these days it was rare that minho would offer to do anything out the house anymore. but of course, jisung instantly agreed.

before anything else could be said, minho pulled the covers over the two of them and attacked his boyfriend with kisses. it was moments like this that made jisung really believe minho loved him.

the things jisung would let minho do to him would make anyone think he's crazy. but he really did love minho. he loved him so, so very much.

𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃. minsungWhere stories live. Discover now